Page 69 - Pharmacognosy 02-06203
P. 69

2- Fragments of mesocarp with brownish pieces of vittae with radiating cells vessels and
   cells of the innermost layer of the mesocarp.

3- Fragments of endocarpal cells with a distinctparquet arrangement, usually adhering to
   brown cells of the testa.

4- Numerous fragments of the endosperm containing colourless, polygonal cells,
   numerous oil globules and several aleurone grains, 4-12 pm in diameter, each
   enclosing micro-rosette crystals of calcium oxa¬late, 2-5 pm in diameter.

5- Trichomes and starch grains are absent.

General identity tests:

Macroscopic and microscopic examinations, micro-chemical tests, and thin-layer
chromatography for the presence of xanthotoxin and bergapten.

Purity tests:


Tests for specific microorganisms and microbial contamination limits.

Total ash: Not more than 7%.

Acid-insoluble ash: Not more than 0.04%.

Water-soluble extractive: Not less than 17%.

Alcohol-soluble extractive: Not less than 16%.

Loss on drying: Not more than 12%.

Chemical, foreign organic matter and sulfated ash tests to be established in accordance
-with national requirements.

Major chemical constituents:

1- The major constituents are furano-coumarins, the principal compounds being:
             a. Xanthotoxin (methoxsalen, 8-methoxypsoralen (8-MOP) ammoidin; up to
             b. Imperatorin (ammidin; up to 0.75%).
             c. Bergapten {majudin, 5-methoxypsoralen (5-MOP)} up to 1.88%).

2- Other consti¬tuents of interest are acetylated flavonoids.

Medicinal uses:

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