Page 2 - PSLBook7A2021EdLesson11-15
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Table of Contents- 7A

                Lesson #     Lesson Title                                                            Page #
                     1       Reading Gurmukhi Numerals and Big Numbers                               2
                     2       rozwnw leI iek Ardws Sbd                                                4
                     3       Summary Writing                                                         6
                     4       Bgq kbIr jI                                                             9
                     5       Bgq kbIr jI dI bwxI                                                     13
                     6       bwbw PrId jI dI jIvnI                                                   16
                     7       bwbw PrId jI dI dyx                                                     19
                     8       bwbw &rId jI dI bwxI                                                    22
                     9       BweI mrdwnw jI dw gurU nwnk dyv jI nwl imlwp                            24
                    10       BweI mrdwnw jI dw gurU nwnk dyv jI nwl jIvn                             27

                    11       BweI mrdwnw jI Aqy p~Qr swKI                                            29
                    12       bwbw bu~Fw jI                                                           33
                    13       bwbw bu~Fw jI dIAW dyxw                                                 37
                    14       bwbw bu~Fw jI Aqy gurU hirgoibMd jI                                     40
                    15       BweI gurdws jI                                                          44
                    16       BweI nMd lwl jI                                                         46

                    17       BweI nMd lwl jI dw gurU goibMd isMG jI nwl imlwp                        49
                    18       BweI knHeIAw jI                                                         52
                    19       mweI Bwgo                                                               57
                    20       BweI mnI isMG jI                                                        59
                    21       BweI mnI isMG jI dI ShIdI                                               63
                    22       bwbw dIp isMG jI                                                        66
                    23       BweI qwrU isMG jI                                                       69
                    24       is~KW dI AnoKI pMQk Ardws                                               72

                    25       Ardws ivc ShId isMG                                                     76
                    26       Ardws ivc ShId isMG Aqy isMGxIAW                                        78
                    27       Syry-pMjwb mhwrwjw rxjIq isMG                                           80
                    28       Syry-pMjwb mhwrwjw rxjIq isMG sB qoN vDIAw mhwrwjw                      83

                    29       Syry-pMjwb mhwrwjw rxjIq isMG dy isr qy pMf                             86

           Reading Fluency: Reading fluency greatly impacts our comprehension of what we read. In English
           you are required to read 150 words per minute. Any less than that will put you below standard. In
           Punjabi, there are no guidelines but we will try a number. Your goal is to read at least 100 words
           per minute. Keep a record of your reading speed starting from day 1. Write the date when you can
           read 100 minutes per minute in every story/essay. You will need to read each piece multiple times
           to build fluency.  By end of the year, you should read 120 words or more per minute.

           Stepping Stones PSL Punjabi Reader 7A                                        2021 Edition                                                         Page 28
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