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Lesson 2: Principles of Sikhism- Shaheedi

               What  Does  Shaheedi  Mean?  The  word  ‘Shahid’  comes  from  an
               Arabic word “šahīd” that means a martyr. A Shahid is someone who

               attains Shahidi or martyrdom, someone who gives life so that others

               can live a better life. .

               Shahidi  or  Shaheedi  is  a  word  used  in  Punjabi  which  simply  means

               "martyrdom". In the Sikh faith, the concept of martyrdom is quite

               prominent. "It is the man and his cause that make him martyr.” said
               Narain Singh. Life is given for the cause regardless of the form of

               torture, but the just cause is not compromised or surrendered.

               Shaheedi  is  a  result  of  the  struggle  between  evil  and  the  Saint
               Soldier  for  good  who  has  accepted  the  Bhana  with  grace.  The

               torture and killing is done by the oppressor while the martyr stands

               firm  to  defend  his  own  faith  or  freedom  of  others.  Death  is  the
               inevitable consequence of the struggle between good and evil.

               Guru Arjan Dev Ji and Guru Tegh Bahadur Ji are the most revered

               Shaheeds.  Both  Gurus  opposed  oppression  and  bigotry.  Bigotry  is
               intolerance toward those who hold different opinions from oneself.

               In both cases, a saintly soul confronted the evil of bigotry to uphold
               the principle of religious freedom of own faith and that of another.

               Classwork or Homework: Write answers to these questions.
               1. What does Shaheedi mean?


               2. What does martyr stand for?



               Sikh History and Gurmat Sikhia Book 6             2020 Edition                  Page 4
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