Page 9 - PSLgurmatbook62020
P. 9
Guru Arjan Dev Ji was arrested and brought to Lahore. He was
tortured for many days. One day a huge fire was lit. A big iron plate
was placed on the fire. On the other side, sand was heated in a big
cauldron. Still on another fire, a big pot of water was being boiled.
Guru Arjan Dev Ji was ordered to sit on the hot plate. Scoops of
hot sand were poured on his head. Not only that, he was then asked
to get into the pot of boiling water. His body was burned and
blistered. To torture him even more, Guru Ji was taken to Ravi River
and forced to jump in. His body could not take it anymore. Guru Ji
remained peaceful and passed away reciting God’s name.
Guru Arjan Dev Ji was the first Shaheed of the Sikhs. His Shaheedi
fulfilled Guru Nanak’s ideal that we must be pure and have moral
strength. A virtuous soul must be courageous. One must be willing to
suffer for one’s faith. Guru Arjan Dev Ji is known as Shaheedan
dey Sirtaaj. Sikhs celebrate Shaheedi Gurpurab in June and serve
ice cold drinks. A special drink is Kachi Lassi- milk mixed with
sweetened water. The serving of Kachi Lassi is called Chhabeel.
Classwork or Homework: Write answers to these questions.
1. What does Dur kI bwxI mean?
2. Why did Guru Arjan Dev Ji refuse to change Gurbani?
3. Which one of Guru Nanak Dev Ji’s ideal did Guru Arjan Dev Ji’s Shaheedi
Sikh History and Gurmat Sikhia Book 6 2020 Edition Page 7