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Ranald Paterson
A Life well lived
Passionate. Expertise. Kindness. Consideration. In 1969 Ranald and the family
These are just a few of the words that sum up returned to the UK and started work
the life of Ranald Paterson who passed away on for Hanson Trust, based in High
the 5th of December 2023. Wycombe. He was the Executive
Director of their new company
Ranald’s life was well lived. From growing up in established to develop business
Fort Augustus and winning a scholarship to outside the UK. For the next 2 years,
Inverness Royal Academy where he boarded full Ranald travelled around the world to
time. There he discovered sport here and Africa, the USA, and Australia. Care of
represented first teams in rugby, football, cricket, Ranald, Hanson Trust businesses
shinty, badminton, and athletics. were established in all 3 continents.
He went to Edinburgh University to read Ranald left Hanson Trust in 1971 and
Geography, aged 17. He extended his studies to joined ACS, which was a catering and
geology, social anthropology, and economic vending supply company. He
history, and remained there for 5 years. He was a eventually became a Commercial
member of The Students Representative Council, Director and joined the board of
many charities, and the Labour Club. Yes, Ranald British Vending Industries.
was a Labour supporter!
In January 1980 the Foreign Office
Ranald passed interviews to join the Colonial asked Ranald to go to Southern
Office in his final year at Edinburgh and was sent Rhodesia to help organise and run
to Downing College, Cambridge to study Law and their general election. After 15 years
the Rhodesian tribal language Bemba. To help of internal warfare, Southern
pay his way through university he worked as a Rhodesia was to become Zimbabwe.
labourer in a whisky distillery, as a road sweeper, It was a challenging election
as an ice cream salesman, as a bus conductor campaign, Ranald was ambushed and
and as a waiter.
shot at. He returned in March 1980
Just after Ranald married Flip, they sailed to and was presented in November with
Cape Town 8 days later, followed by the train to the Order of the British Empire by the
Lusaka, Northern Rhodesia. Ranald was a District Queen at Buckingham Palace.
Officer in Senanga, then Kalabo, then Monze. In Whilst Ranald was proud to receive
1965 President Kenneth Kaunda asked Ranald to both his medals he did not support
set up a National Coal Commission to make the concept of colonies and an
Zambia independent of imports from Southern Empire. He joined the Colonial Service
Rhodesia. In 1967 President Kaunda appointed to try and make a difference from JANUARY/FEBRUARY. 2024 | ISSUE 34
Ranald Director of Elections to prepare Zambia within. His great pride was that both
for their first, post-independence, general Zambia and Zimbabwe achieved
election. He received the Zambian Medal - Order independence and became African
of Distinguished Service, for his work. nations governed by African citizens.