Page 78 - Next Generation 2015 - Digtial Issue
P. 78

Next Generation Americas and ROW

    Not yet 40, the talented and ambitious Australian —
who has an active Twitter feed on everything from sport to

       family and travel — has already made his mark

Peter Lye

EVEN though Australia plays a starring     Asia Pacific country favoured by wet and  Australian, in addition to his corporate
role in commodities shipping, its          dry commodities traders, and taking a     obligations.
people aren’t as prominent in global       more active physical and paper position
maritime circles as other nationalities    in bulk shipping.                              He’s also not afraid to show his
including Greeks, Norwegians,                                                        non-corporate side, defining himself
Germans and British.                            Mr Lye has embraced Twitter          not only by his job but his family in a
                                           with an active page that reflects his     profile summary that mentions his wife
     But global head of shipping for       love of sport — the New South Wales       and four children. The family, along with
Anglo American Group, Peter Lye, is an     Rugby League team Manly Sea Eagles        photos of his international travel, appear
Australian who has risen through the       feature prominently — as well all things  occasionally in his feed.
ranks of mining companies to take a
high-profile maritime position, and all
before hitting 40 this year.

     Unlike many at his level, Singapore-
based Mr Lye hasn’t got a family
background in shipping, instead being
recognised for talent and ambition.

     Before joining Anglo American, he
spent 15 years climbing the corporate
ladder at Australian miner Rio Tinto.
Beginning in a graduate trainee position,
he worked around the company, from
financial analysis, to coal sales and
marketing and then segueing to coal
derivatives, logistics and freight.

     Mr Lye moved to Singapore in 2007
as Rio Tinto Marine’s executive general
manager and in 2012, took up the top
shipping job with Anglo American.

     One of the world’s largest coal
producers, Anglo American’s exports
from its South African operations
exceeded 11m tonnes in 2014, and more
than 30m tonnes from Australia.

     Before Mr Lye started, Anglo sold
much of its commodities on a free-on-
board basis and had little involvement
in using freight as part of its risk
management or logistics management

     But Anglo belatedly joined Rio
Tinto and BHP in basing its sales and
marketing and freight operations in the

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