Page 76 - Next Generation 2015 - Digtial Issue
P. 76

Next Generation Americas and ROW

     Mr Klopfer, the commercial director  in shipping has been successfully                   The group has the largest
of the Navig8 Americas team and chief     achieved.                                      newbuilding orderbook of long
operating officer of Navig8 Product                                                      range two product tankers, one of
Tankers since 2012, manages the group’s        Investment from Avenue Capital            the most promising segments as new
various tanker pools, which lists more    Group, Oaktree Capital, and Monarch            refineries starting in the Middle East
than 120 vessels under its control.       Alternative Capital, among others,             this year and next will boost volumes
                                          is helping give the company the heft           of distillates exported to Europe and
     In 2013, he was also instrumental    needed to become the world’s largest           beyond.
in the company’s listing on the Olso      tanker pool manager and expand its
bourse, normally a pre-cursor to a        owned, newbuilding and chartered fleet.             With big things anticipated when
New York public presence. Efforts by                                                     Navig8’s product tanker arm lists
Mr Klopfer and the Navig8 team to              Today Navig8’s product tanker             next year, Mr Klopfer appears to have
get private equity buying in to Navig8    assets are valued at more than $3bn            become an influential player on the
amid the funds’ post-crisis interest      and while reporting a loss of $434m last       capital markets shipping landscape.
                                          year, the full fleet is yet to hit the water.

Liberty Maritime’s vice-president is said to share his father’s sense
        of pride and patriotism about company’s key US role

       US                                 trade and making regulatory and                Shapiro senior support extending the
       Joshua Shapiro                     political connections seems like a             60-ship fleet programme until 2025,
                                          sensible start. It also shows                  ensuring Josh will have a solid base
JOSHUA Shapiro joined Liberty             Shapiro junior is serious about                from which to carve out his direction
Maritime Corp six years ago, and          his learning curve.                            for the company in coming years.
is clearly being groomed to take
greater control of the company his             Liberty has a fleet of nine ships,
father Philip founded more than 25        of which five are US-flagged with
years ago.                                two of them car carriers and the
                                          remaining bulk carriers. Many of
     Before starting at the family        the vessels ship food aid on behalf
firm, Josh spent time working at          of the US government, while the
Archer Daniels Midland, followed          Marshall Islands-flagged bulk
by an 18-month stint as a special         carriers, mostly kamsarmax size,
projects director with a Congressman      appear mostly to operate in the
in the US House of Representatives.       international grains trade.

     Before that, he attended the              The MSP means Liberty’s dry
London-based Cass Business School         bulk American ships can be used by
after finishing university in the US.     the Department of Defense if needed.
Cass is among the favoured seats          Josh is reported to share his father’s
of learning for next-generation           sense of pride and patriotism in
shipping aspirants.                       playing such a maritime role for his
     Josh was appointed vice-
president of Liberty Maritime                  Josh is working alongside long-
in 2009.                                  time employees to come to grips
                                          with shipping, with vice-president
     With Liberty’s business              of commercial chartering and
founded on shipping cargo on              operations, Charles Nolfo, publicly
a US-flag bulk fleet under the            credited for his mentoring role.
government-subsidised Maritime
Administration’s Maritime Security             Liberty Maritime’s prominent
Program, understanding the grains         role as a MSP contractor has seen

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