Page 74 - Next Generation 2015 - Digtial Issue
P. 74

Next Generation Americas and ROW

                                                                                      The president and
                                                                                      chief executive of
                                                                                    Heidmar has steered
                                                                                    the company through
                                                                                      some tumultuous
                                                                                    times during the past

                                                                                          18 months

                                                                                    Ben Ognibene

    After leaving Heidmar, the IT enthusiast                                        IN fewer than 18 years, Ben Ognibene
  emerged from his father’s shadow to form                                          has gone from trainee shipbroker to
Q88, which continues to play a dominant role                                        chief executive of one of the world’s
                                                                                    highest-profile tanker pool operators.
                 in tanker shipping
                                                                                         Connecticut-based Ognibene
US                                                                                  took up the top job at Heidmar in
Fritz Heidenreich                                                                   difficult circumstances. The former
                                                                                    chief executive, Marc La Monte, died
FRITZ Heidenreich is credited with             But his IT talents were quickly      in October 2013 while on a business
establishing the Q88 technology           recognised, and in 2001, the in-house     trip and Mr Ognibene found himself
service used by 75% of the tanker         vetting and questionnaire system he       as the interim appointment while the
industry as an electronic document        established to better manage tankers      company searched for a replacement.
management system.                        operating in the various Heidmar
                                          pools was extended to the greater              Then they announced one: Hans
     The son of Per Heidenreich —         tanker sector.                            van der Zijde. Yet five days later, the
founder of Heidenreich Marine, the                                                  board did an about-turn and decided
vessel pool operator now known as              After his father sold that company,  that Mr Ognibene was the right person
Heidmar — quickly forged his own niche    their Heidmar Innovations spin-off        for the job after all.
in the global maritime world by focusing  evolved to Q88, which continues
on how technology could be harnessed      to play a dominant role in tanker              It turns out this was the best
to improve fleet management.              shipping.                                 choice. Mr Ognibene is widely
                                                                                    regarded by his peers and since
     By developing a product with              A dry bulk platform, Q88Dry,         being appointed in January 2014, he
practical application based on real       established several years ago, had        has managed the company through
business experience, Fritz survived the   1,000 vessels on its list by 2014 and     tumultuous times.
dotcom boom and bust of 15 years ago      is used by Cargill, one of the biggest
that saw the collapse of higher-profile   charterers of bulk carriers. Q88 is also       While still reeling from the
maritime IT ventures, bruising the egos   a technology provider for the parcel      death of Mr La Monte, Heidmar staff
of founders, and draining the bank        tanker industry.                          learned that Russian oil company
accounts of backers.                                                                Rosneft was planning to take a 49%
                                               Fritz’s abilities to introduce       share of the company via its purchase
     When Fritz began at Heidmar,         shipping to IT meant he long ago          of Morgan Stanley’s global oil
he was known only as the son of one       emerged from his father’s shadow          commodities division, which had the
of the many Norwegian-American            and is a leading example of the fresh     non-controlling stake. (Greek shipping
shipping identities dominant in US        contributions the next generation can     billionaire George Economou also has
maritime circles.                         make.                                     a 49% stake, and employees hold the
                                                                                    remaining 2%.)

                                                                                         Then, a year later, the Rosneft
                                                                                    deal fell through. Still, Mr Ognibene
                                                                                    kept Heidmar afloat as it celebrated its

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