Page 70 - Next Generation 2015 - Digtial Issue
P. 70

Next Generation Americas and ROW

                                                                                               The co-founder of
                                                                                             MidOceanMarine with
                                                                                              his father Nickel has
                                                                                             an extensive network

                                                                                                 of contacts and
                                                                                             shipping experience,
                                                                                             as well as a dressage

                                                                                                 champion wife

As chief operating officer Seacor Holdings Inc,                                                     US
 his oversight covers the booming market for                                                        Volckert van Reesema

                  Jones Act tankers                                                          VOLCKERT van Reesema is the
                                                                                             US-based equivalent of the next
US                                                                                           generation of well-monied Nordic,
Eric Fabrikant                                                                               European and Greek family shipping
                                                                                             executives now settling in leadership
PHOTO-shy Eric Fabrikant, the son               US-flag, Jones Act product tankers to be     positions at companies their fathers
New York-listed Seacor Holdings Inc’s           built by his company at the San Diego        founded.
70-year-old founder Charles, is dealing         yard of General Dynamics Nassco via
with the positive side of the shale gas         subsidiary Sea-Vista.                             Connecticut-based Mr
boom that has profoundly reshaped                                                            van Reesema, co-founder of
energy supply and shipping in the US.                Seacor joined with private equity       MidOceanMarine with his father Nickel,
                                                fund Avista Capital Partners to make         is tapping private equity, and the
     Appointed co-chief operating               the order. The fund invested $150m for a     family’s extensive network of contacts
officer of Seacor in February alongside         49% stake in subsidiary Sea-Vista, which     and shipping experience to reposition
John Gellert, Mr Fabrikant oversees             also has seven US-flag Jones Act tankers     the privately-held company to the
the transportation services division            on the water.                                rapidly changing American marine
of the company and is director of the                                                        environment.
Seabulk tankers and towing operation                 Dorian LPG is building one of
subsidiaries.                                   the world’s largest fleets of very large          Married to a Dutch international
                                                gas carriers, with 14 being delivered        dressage champion with three small
     While Gellert looks after the              this year. At a time when global fleet       children, Mr van Reesema’s social
flagging offshore marine services               utilisation rates are at 99%, with rates     media presence reveals a taste for living
division as lower oil prices depress            averaging record annual highs, the           well, charitable ventures and a love
offshore drilling activity, Mr Fabrikant’s      Fabrikant empire is at the forefront of the  of the US outdoors. Wife Eliane is the
oversight covers the booming market for         world’s hottest shipping sectors.            daughter of late Dutch shipping giant
Jones Act tankers. He is also director of                                                    Willem Cordia.
Dorian LPG, in which Seacor Holdings                 Mr Fabrikant, in his mid-30s,
has an 18.7% stake, via subsidiary              appears to eschew the limelight: despite          On a business level,
SeaDor Holdings.                                the entreaties of his media advisers,        MidOceanMarine’s joint venture tanker
                                                he refuses to make corporate photos of       company with private equity fund
     Charter rates for LPG carriers and         himself available.                           Alterna saw the successful sale last year
Jones Act tankers are both at sustained                                                      of Jones Act product tanker American
highs, thanks to soaring shale gas crude             But records show he is firmly           Phoenix at top-of-the-market prices.
production in the US, which has boosted         entrenched in family private affiliates,
refinery output in the US Gulf, and also        including Fabrikant International Corp            Bought 90% completed from a
led to booming LPG exports.                     and other trusts and, since joining the      bankrupt shipping yard for $12.5m, it
                                                family firm nearly a decade ago, has held    was sold for $157m after spending an
     In May 2015, Mr Fabrikant welded           senior positions across many company         estimated further $50m to complete,
his initials on the keel of the first of three  divisions, including commodity trading.      netting a tidy profit for both parties.

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