Page 67 - Next Generation 2015 - Digtial Issue
P. 67

Next Generation Asia

                                                                                        Keen sailor and
                                                                                       marine insurance

                                                                                         veteran helps
                                                                                      deal with complex
                                                                                    regulations for Markel
                                                                                    International’s growing
                                                                                        business in Asia

                                                                                    Matt Cannock

     Ms Ng does not have a maritime        to signing on ships than Panama,         A VETERAN in marine insurance for
background, but she does have an           and told shipowners it could back up     more than 15 years, Matt Cannock
entrepreneurial one. She was born in       the commitment it made with better       has overseen Markel International’s
Hong Kong, but spent her formative         resources and more comprehensive,        booming business in Asia.
years in Canada.                           swifter service.
                                                                                         Under his helm are more than 20
     However, her family started to             Asian owners have been buying it.   professionals in Singapore, Shanghai,
gravitate back to China. Her mother        South Korea became the fourth-largest    Hong Kong and Kuala Lumpur. Based
started a real estate business in          nationality in the Marshall Islands      in the Lion City, Mr Cannock is seeking
Shanghai, and Ms Ng worked with            Registry last year.                      to harness the continued trade growth,
her for some time until, “I decided I                                               which comes with increased insurance
wanted to make money for myself”. She           Korea has been Ms Ng’s most         requirement, in this region.
decided to do that in Hong Kong.           marked success. In 2014, the register
                                           added 51 Korean-owned ships, totalling        The British national initially
     Winning over shipowners to the        3m gt, despite the hard times that have  chose to enter into shipping out of
Marshall Islands had a lot to do with      hit many of the largest South Korean     personal interest: “I’m really into
convincing owners that Panama — also       owners.                                  sailing,” he said.
one of the world’s largest registers and
with a strong foothold in Asia — could          Ms Ng says her team, led by Kim          He went to the University of
not compete against the Marshall           Young-min, has made a durable inroad     Plymouth to study for his bachelor’s
Islands’ service.                          into mid-tier owners, which have fared   degree in marine technology and later
                                           a little better in the latest shipping   attended University College London for
     In recent years, the Marshall         recession.                               his masters in marine engineering.
Islands has invested in expanding its
network so it can offer 24-hour technical       She is now setting her sights on         After graduation, Mr Cannock
and support service. It currently has      Japan, where success in grabbing the     worked as a technical consultant
17 global offices and regional offices in  flight to quality from Panama has        before beginning his career in maritime
Hong Kong, Tokyo, Seoul, Singapore,        moved at a measured, but slower pace.    insurance, and he reckoned the
Shanghai and Dalian.                                                                technical background has helped him
                                                Next move: eyes on the Bahamas      tremendously.
     Ms Ng says the Marshall Islands       register, which claims the majority of
offered a far less bureaucratic approach   LNG vessel registrations, apparently an       “I can see how [technical] things
                                           industry tradition. Watch out Bahamas.   affect them and how they affect us [as
                                                                                    underwriters],” he said.

                                                                                         In the late-1990s, Mr Cannock
                                                                                    became an insurance broker with
                                                                                    maritime focus in London. He then
                                                                                    moved to Singapore and started to
                                                                                    work as Royal & Sun Alliance’s regional
                                                                                    marine underwriting manager in 2002.

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