Page 63 - Next Generation 2015 - Digtial Issue
P. 63

Next Generation Asia

strategic planning and led various             The 39-year-old, who is a qualified       As a financial specialist, he has
financial initiatives in enhancing the    chartered certified accountant,           chosen maritime transport as his
owner’s balance sheet and cashflows.      described shipping as “solid” business.   specialised area, as he sees an ever-
                                                                                    increasing requirement.
     During 2009-2014, he secured              After earning a first-class
credit facilities totalling $670m with    bachelor’s degree in business                  “I think shipping is not only
various lenders to finance more than      administration from the Chinese           a traditional business; actually it
20 newbuilding vessels for Wah            University of Hong Kong, Mr Lai           contributes to the society, as 80%
Kwong. Also, Mr Lai structured several    had worked for Sumitomo Electric          of the world’s trade is seaborne,”
sale and leaseback deals with lessors     Industries, PricewaterhouseCoopers        Mr Lai said.
involving five to six bulk carriers with  and Cosco (HK) Shipping before joining
total sale amounts at over $170m.         Wah Kwong.                                     “If you know the numbers, the
                                                                                    investments [in shipping] are safe.”

The first Asian female partner at Ince & Co for a long time —
 and one of its youngest — wants to help women break the

                 glass ceiling in the shipping world

                                                                          Hong Kong
                                                                          Su Yin Anand

                                                                           The first Asian female partner at Ince
                                                                           &Co for a long time — and one of its
                                                                           youngest — wants to help women
                                                                           break the glass ceiling in the
                                                                           shipping world

                                                                                 AT the age of 34, Su Yin Anand is
                                                                           one of the youngest partners at Ince &
                                                                           Co and her career prospect in shipping
                                                                           law looks as bright as any.

                                                                                 Ms Anand, who was born and
                                                                           grew up in Singapore, has risen
                                                                           through the ranks rapidly within the
                                                                           international law firm.

                                                                                 She joined Ince & Co’s Hong Kong
                                                                           office as an assistant in 2010 and,
                                                                           under the mentorship of former chief
                                                                           Andrew Chan, won several returning
                                                                           clients in the bunker supplying and
                                                                           protection and indemnity insurance

                                                                                 Fluent in Mandarin, Cantonese
                                                                           and English, she has helped Ince & Co
                                                                           expand its business scale in Taiwan,
                                                                           South China and Hong Kong. In
                                                                           2013, she was promoted to be senior
                                                                           associate. Then, in 2014, Ms Anand
                                                                           became the first Asian female partner
                                                                           in the law firm for a long time.

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