Page 58 - Next Generation 2015 - Digtial Issue
P. 58

Next Generation The future

From improved maintenance to         accuracy and availability of improved           Crews may reduce in size as a result,
improved fuel performance and        sensing technology. This is set to         but the fundamental shifts will be deeper
better crew management, the right    digitise the ship.                         than that. We know that trade patterns
data is increasingly becoming an                                                will shift as global politics, wealth and
indispensable tool.                       But the drive for asset optimisation  economies develop.
                                     is likely to reach a level where remote
THE LONG-TERM VIEW:                  diagnostics becomes more common                 There is a lot of talk about how
NO HUMAN ERROR                       in the coming decade or two, and           3D printing could revolutionise
                                     practices seen in the offshore oil         trade, assuming the materials used
One of the biggest features of this  and gas sector will distill into other     in 3D printing are sufficiently robust.
era of change is low-cost, always    shipping sectors, says our panel of        Furthermore, assuming one gets class
available, connectivity and the      engineering experts.                       approval, 3D printers on board vessels

FAST FORWARD 40 YEARS Tomas Aminoff, Wärtsilä director, technology strategy

HAVING a feel for the future is critical for knowing how to adapt, so          One technology that some think will change shipping is the
Wärtsilä frequently undertakes crystal ball gazing exercises, says       3D printer, and Mr Aminoff agrees. But the first influence will be
Wärtsilä director technology strategy Tomas Aminoff.                     how shipowners and managers acquire spare parts. The materials
                                                                         used in 3D printers are evolving, making their use more accepted,
      Wärtsilä is a company that has evolved and adapted to              he says.
change over its history. Today, it is one of the largest suppliers of
four-stroke engines and environmental equipment and services for               If 3D printers become an approved technology in a vessel, it
the shipping industry.                                                   will reduce the need to carry or order costly spare parts, and will
                                                                         ease maintenance and repair challenges.
      Mr Aminoff sees shipowners having bigger demands on
suppliers, and cargo interests having increased demands on                     3D printing will allow less qualified personnel to be on board a
owners. This is the era for big ideas, he says.                          vessel. This he says, is one of the roads to getting to an unmanned
                                                                         ship, as is remote monitoring and smart decision-making by the
      For more than 50 years, Wärtsilä has manufactured internal         onboard technologies themselves.
combustion engines, and while Mr Aminoff says the company will
still offer them in 30 years, he is less sure about 40 or 50 years             Modern chemical engineering has led to the idea of onboard
from now.                                                                equipment self-correcting or self-repairing. Pipes may have self-
                                                                         correcting coatings that can be influenced to block a leak.
      The driver for change will be fuel and its availability and cost.
There will be far more choice, making the industry less dependent              With the ability to create total asset oversight comes the
on liquid fossil fuels.                                                  ability to see when the condition of one component impacts
                                                                         another. So, for example, an external pump can automatically react
      Individual vessels will also begin to have multiple energy         to an overheating engine.
sources, so solar and wind will play a more important part in the
mix. If one compares it to the land-based power sector, where                  As with others on our future scenarios panel, Mr Aminoff
there are the stable load power generators but wind and solar and        says environmental regulations will play an increasing role, and he
other auxiliary sources, coupled with the improved capabilities of       thinks the industry has only seen the start of it.
power storage technology, this will help create peak supply.
                                                                               As well as additional CO2 regulations, he sees most other
      Critically, Mr Aminoff suggests when energy becomes more           discharges and emissions from a ship coming under scrutiny. This
expensive, it will likely impact logistics. Does it make sense, he       is another driver for a focus on other fuel types to be considered.
asks, to mine iron ore in one country, ship it to another to be
smelted to steel, then shipped to an automobile-maker’s plant                  The most sustainable way is a fuel that fulfils future
to become a car part, then assembled ahead of being shipped              requirements, without having after treatment. That may mean
halfway round the world again, to a consumer?                            renewable fuels are used, which then raises the question of
                                                                         whether the environmental and sustainable footprint of a vessel
      In the future, as global economies shift and manufacturing         will no longer be seen in isolation, but as a part of a cargo owner’s
costs even out, there will be changes in bulk shipment demand,           overall logistics chain.
he says. It may be more economic to transport car components in
bulk and assemble the car closer to the consumer than to make                  As for nuclear power, Mr Aminoff thinks society will need 25
the car and ship it in a car carrier. Demand on vessel types will        years without another land-based incident before it will accept
change as focus increases on the overall cargo manufacturing             the idea of commercial ships having this power source, which will
logistics.                                                               need to be smaller, more reliable and cheaper. Even then, there will
                                                                         likely still be resistance.

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