Page 53 - Next Generation 2015 - Digtial Issue
P. 53

Next Generation Europe

full advantage of the situation, which     nudging d’Amico to enter a new segment           This next generation of d’Amico
sees global product trade growing by an    — long range one product tankers — and      luminaries can be grateful their stars
average of 5.8% annually. New refinery     enabling the company to walk away           are rising in this present climate for
expansion in Asia Pacific and the Middle   from the first quarter with an $11m         tankers, rather than the one of the
East is generating greater tonne-miles,    profit, its best result in years.           recent past.

As joint chair of the Kaptanoglu Group with
      her brother Cenk, the 43-year-old

  passionately believes in supporting and
           championing the industry

Sadan Kaptanoglu

IF YOU come from a shipping family,        shipowning — Kaptanoglu operates            more you mature and the way shipping
it’s hard not to have a sense of           bulkers and tankers all over the world.     is, you become pragmatic and realistic.”
shipping instilled in you. But Sadan
Kaptanoglu, managing director of                Their sisters, Sebahat Kaptanoglu           She also passionately believes
HI Kaptanoglu Ship Management              Cicek and Zeynep Kalkavan, are both         in supporting and championing the
Company since 2000, says joining the       responsible for dry bulk management.        industry, and is currently serving as
business that her grandfather founded                                                  a director of the Turkish Chamber of
was far from inevitable.                        Their cousin Pinar Kaptanoglu          Shipping, director of Piri Reis Maritime
                                           is chief financial officer, and cousin      University, and vice-president of
     “I studied philosophy at Istanbul     Ismail Kaptanoglu (Pinar’s brother) is      BIMCO, as well as chairing the Turkish
University,” she says. “There was          responsible for tanker management.          committees of Lloyd’s Register and Rina.
never an obligation on the girls, or
the boys, to join the family business.          Two other cousins are also involved         “In my family, there is a tradition of
The family had such a long history in      in the business: Eser Bayraktar is          serving the country and community and
shipping and my siblings and I grew        a lawyer and responsible for the            sector you are in,” she says.
up with it. But it wasn’t forced on us to  legal aspects of the company; and
become shipping people.”                   her brother, Omer Kaptanoglu, is                 “I think in shipping, people like
                                           responsible for developing new projects.    us should step in more, whether it’s
     However, Sadan recalls frequently                                                 BIMCO, ICS or Intertanko — because
visiting the Kaptanoglu offices and             Sadan, who joined the company          otherwise the perception of shipping
says: “I think the shipping virus got me   full-time in 1998, says: “Being a woman     people will be limited to what they
— it just does, somehow.”                  in shipping in Turkey was difficult at      see on TV. We have to be out there and
                                           the beginning. You might think that         talking to people and giving a little
     She studied shipping at London        for a woman the bar is extremely high       back of what this great industry has
City College and holds an MSc in           when you start — but when you show          given us.”
shipping, finance and trade from City      commitment, it is different and I have
University Cass Business School. Her       had a lot of support.”                           She has two daughters, aged six
PhD focused on the family business                                                     and 10. So will they follow her lead into
and the sustainability of maritime              Shipping, she says, is “all about      the business? “Sometimes they seem
business.”                                 people, networking and experience”,         interested but for me it is about giving
                                           and that’s why the older generation         them a good education and then we will
     Sadan, 43, and her brother Cenk,      is so valued in this industry. “The         see. They should do whatever they want
42, jointly chair the Kaptanoglu           young generation are now sharing the        — I want them to be happy.”
Group, which is active in many sectors     responsibility in the group, but the older
including energy, foreign trade,           generation is still active on the board.”
tourism, construction, shipyards and
yacht building. Its core business is            How does she describe working in
                                           a family-owned business? “There is a lot
                                           of energy, synergy and emotion! But the

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