Page 49 - Next Generation 2015 - Digtial Issue
P. 49

Next Generation Europe

another family-controlled firm. The new       confidence. He is certainly personable,      Moller-Maersk senior management or
business will be called Ardent.               but clearly focused and corporate-           board; younger brother Robert is on the
                                              minded. He will rarely talk about            AP Moller-Maersk board, along with their
     With the ongoing sell-off of             himself, nor answer speculation.             mother, who is chairman.
businesses within the AP Moller-Maersk
Group, one must wonder if this is a                The older brother Johan is less in the       Both Uggla brothers are married,
precursor to Svitzer selling off its salvage  public eye. As head of APM Terminals’        with Johan married to a local politician
business to focus on the port and             cargo service in the Danish port of Aarhus,  Laura Hay. The couple have a young
harbour services where Mr Uggla has           he is far from appearing as part of the AP   daughter.
already confessed to seeing the largest
growth potential for the business.

     Robert Uggla took the post of
Svitzer chief executive in 2012 at the
age of 34, following a three-year spell
as chief executive at Swedish Tanker
firm Broström.

     The tanker business was bought in
2008 prior to being merged with Maersk
Tankers, with the majority of the vessels
then being sold off as Maersk Tankers
re-adjusted its strategy. By this time,
Robert was at Svitzer.

     Prior to Broström, the junior Uggla
brother had a role at Maersk Line, as
country manager for the company’s
operations in Dubai. He also had a spell
outside the family business before that,
working at an investment bank

     In business circles, Robert
Uggla, above, has a lot of charm and

Merger opens new horizons for RS Platou broker

Erik Helberg

THE merger of Oslo-based investment           points to the need to tell financiers who         Secondly, investments should
banker and broker RS Platou with              are the early movers so they can find        be based on good assets; the debate
UK-based brokers and analysts Clarksons       the best place for their investments.        about retrofitting eco-ships and asset
has been good for Erik Helberg.                                                            depreciation has helped bring that
                                                   According to Mr Helberg, there are      lesson home.
     While it has created a stronger          some key lessons financial investors
company in which he has a stake, it           should have learnt over the past eight            Thirdly, investors need to make
also gives his team access to increasing      years that will be good to bear in mind      sure they invest in the right platform. In
amounts of market data with which             for the future.                              the future, they will be working more
to advise clients, both internally and                                                     closely with owners, buying into the
externally.                                        Firstly, the important thing about      business earlier.
                                              shipping — a bit like a good joke —
     Mr Helberg is chief executive of         is to get the timing right. Financial             Fourthly, investors should invest in
RS Platou Markets, and while he is            investors should invest early, not at        good companies with good liquidity, rather
reluctant to say he has a crystal ball, he    the top of the cycle.                        than support small, speculative owners.

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