Page 45 - Next Generation 2015 - Digtial Issue
P. 45

Next Generation Past, present and future

     A clearer view of the cycles is         decade the spot market did not really        says that making predictions 50 years
obtained by plotting the difference          matter because most of the capacity          ahead is futile. Shipping analysts struggle
between seaborne trade and GDP trend         was booked through time charters,            to predict 50 weeks ahead and since a
in a chart. The first phase of expansion     some up to 15 years. This was the era of     good deal of the future depends on how
lasted 15 years, starting in around 1956,    “shikumisen”, the oil majors and the         the business plays the game, what’s the
and continued to 1973. Then trade moved      Japanese trading houses were all keen to     point of prediction?
into a down phase which started in about     cut their transport costs by outsourcing
1974 and continued, with a few wobbles,      shipping. The new generation of                   Well, that’s exactly the point. Players
until 1987. That is another 14-year period.  shipowners used contracts from major         in a high rolling game like shipping really
Finally the upswing lasted from 1988 to      charterers, especially in the oil and steel  need to understand the rules and that’s
2006, an 18-year expansion. During these     business, as security on loans. It was a     exactly what analysing the past helps to
three periods — two expansion and one        prosperous decade, with a bonus as the       do. As Peter Drucker said, “the best way
of contraction — the shipping industry       value of the ships escalated.                to predict the future is to create it”.
faced very different circumstances in
terms of ship demand.                             The Shaky Seventies leading to               This happened during the
                                             the Awful Eighties (1974-1995): In the       globalisation boom of the 1960s and
     As the cycles in trade worked           1970s the trade upswing faltered, but        1970s, when the shipping system was
through into shipbuilding demand,            deliveries of new tankers continued.         transformed by the positive action by
the effect was amplified, producing          The tanker fleet grew to 350m dwt in         investors. So thinking about future
shipbuilding cycles closely following        1977, but demand only reached 250m           pressures and the changes needed to
and amplifying the trade cycles.             dwt, causing a major surplus of tanker       respond makes sense, there are four
                                             capacity. Things got even worse in           questions that need to be considered.
     From a practical point of view          the 1980s, following the 1979 oil crisis
these cycles presented the shipping          and the collapse in the crude world          Question 1: a new global
market with a structural problem for         trade which it triggered. The recession      trade matrix in 2065?
two reasons. First, shipyards cannot         bottomed out in 1986.                        During the last 50 years there was a very
just stop and start building ships. Once                                                  significant realignment of the world
there they are likely to build ships              The Marvellous Millennium (1995-        economy away from the OECD countries
regardless; second, the “footprint”          2008): Things gradually recovered in         to the non-OECD countries. Today, the
of the previous cycle is embedded            the late 1990s and the gap between the       OECD countries are mature, still growing
in the age profile of the merchant           fleet and demand narrowed as surplus         but not very dynamic and two thirds of
fleet, resulting in large swings in          capacity was soaked up in about 1997         imports are controlled by the non-OECD
replacement demand.                          and the demand trend finally pulled          countries. As China slows down, the
                                             ahead of supply, almost 25 years after       spread of countries around the South
     For example, the build-up in            the gap first opened in the 1970s. But       China Sea, South Asia, the North Indian
deliveries in the last decade shown will     the 1990s were plagued by the world          Ocean; Africa and South America will
turn up as increasing replacement in 15 to   business cycle, with three “crises” in       grow in importance.
25 years. But today replacement is driven    1991, 1997 and 2001. So it was only in
by the very low deliveries in the 1980s.     the first years of the 21st century that          From a shipping perspective this
                                             shipowners finally saw a revival of          is a very different mix. Many small
PROGRESS THROUGH THE                         their fortunes.                              countries; many ports; and possibly
SUPER CYCLES 1965-2015                                                                    a very different trade dynamic. This
                                                  The Traumatic 2010s: One way and        suggests that the great east-west
This combination of long cycles in sea       another it was another bumpy ride.           orientated trade, which dominates the
trade and structural inflexibility in                                                     world today, will merge into a much
shipbuilding produced a succession of             So the bottom line is that 50 years     broader trade matrix over the next 50
market phases, each lasting more than        of progress and prosperity in the            years. A map of the shipping lanes
a decade. The cycles are illustrated         world economy did not mean quite the         today shows how little trade there is in
from the tanker market (see graph page       same thing in shipping. It was a roller      some areas.
44) but the dry bulk market followed a       coaster ride.
similar pattern.                                                                          Question 2: How much
                                             FOUR QUESTIONS ABOUT                         sea trade in 2065?
     The Swinging Sixties (1963-1973): In    THE NEXT 50 YEARS                            This is a very big one — how much cargo
the 1960s, sea trade was on an upswing                                                    will be shipped in 2065? Trade scenarios
with plenty demand and the fleet grew        So far we have focused on the last 50        put this fundamental question into
at almost exactly the same rate, so the      years, and the lessons we can learn.
market was pretty balanced. During this      Turning to the future, common sense

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