Page 47 - Next Generation 2015 - Digtial Issue
P. 47

Next Generation Past, present and future

WORLD SEA TRADE SCENARIOS TO 2065	                                                     Source: Marecon

Billion tons trade                                                         Historic trade Scenario 1 Scenario 2
39                                                                       1999 2003 2007 2011 2015













0         1967      1971  1975             1979  1983  1987  1991  1995

to a new system based on bulk and          exploited. And the control of trade,             So, what can we conclude?
containerised shipping. At the time,       which under the industrial shipping              The next 50 years will be just as
this was expected to produce bigger        era in the 1960s was minutely planned       chaotic — it’s the nature of the beast
ships and bigger shipping companies,       by multinational companies, faded           — and by 2065 we should expect a very
both of which occurred.                    away in the 1970s.                          different trading world. But somewhere
                                                                                       along the way, hopefully, the industry
     This new system was very                   Today, shipping is controlled by the   will find new ways to manage chaos,
successful in moving cargo through         spot market. While this is an efficient     especially the self-imposed variety.
the terminals and it reduced the cost of   mechanism for cost minimisation, it is           The key to the future lies in a more
freight in a remarkable way.               certainly not a particularly good vehicle   tightly controlled transport system.
                                           for managing logistics.                     This means many things — better
     But 50 years later the system                                                     information systems, more automation,
developed in the 1960s is still in place        With a digital and computer            maybe bigger companies; better
and beginning to look inadequate           revolution that is now going on, it seems   capacity planning and hopefully a
for the job in hand. The pressure to       that the great challenge facing shipping    much better career progression for those
get the cargo through the ports more       in the next 50 years is to use information  ashore and on board ship. A new world.
efficiently is still there, but there are  to make the whole transport system               Will this happen? Well, we have
new pressures from the environment         tighter; more efficient; to eliminate       the ability today to develop much more
and the need to serve an increasingly      accidents; and to provide a more            sophisticated information management
complex trading world, as the epicentre    meaningful life for those who work in       systems and that has to be the key to
of trade moves to a more global trading    the industry, especially those on board     managing chaos.
matrix. Extending today’s national         the ships. These are important goals.            Unfortunately, it is much easier
eBay and Amazon model to a global                                                      to order new ships than to build new
distribution system would require a             Will this happen? Well, as Peter       systems. We all like our independence
much more efficient and transparent        Drucker said, “the best way to predict      and shipping is an old-fashioned
system than we have today.                 the future is to change it”. This           business — we like it that way. But
                                           particular future is very much in the       luckily there’s a new generation coming
     In the early days “door-to-door”      hands of the shipowners and, perhaps        along and maybe the information
transport systems were a feature           even more importantly, the cargo            culture will be as natural to them as
of containerisation, but this aspect       shippers. Unfortunately, the last 50        “trading ships not cargo” was to their
of the business was never really           years has seen an alienation between        predecessors.
implemented. Shipowners built bigger       these two key parties that does not
ships and bigger terminals. But “door-     provide a good foundation for building
to-door transport” was never really        a global logistics system.

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