Page 48 - Next Generation 2015 - Digtial Issue
P. 48

Next Generation Europe

                        management, coupled with three years            Phew. One wonders what time
                        working in corporate finance advisory      the young(ish) Mr Thorstein has left
                        services at DnB Nor Markets, where he      for his day job at Frontline Corporate
                        focused on the offshore and shipping       Services in London, a subsidiary of
                        sectors, are qualifications that no doubt  Frontline, a role he has held since May
                        lend themselves well to the Fredriksen     2011, or his position as chairman of
                        boardroom.                                 Deep Sea Supply.

                             And there is no shortage of                But these are unusual times —
                        boardroom appointments to keep             the remarkable turnaround in the
                        Mr Thorstein plugged into virtually        tanker market combined with serious
                        every aspect of the group’s shipping       challenges facing offshore drilling are
                        and energy operation: director of          surely enough to force any executive
                        offshore drilling company Seadrill         out of bed in the morning with more
                        since September 2012; director of          fire in their belly than they would have
                        Ship Finance International since           experienced in the past five years.
                        September 2011; director of Northern
                        Offshore since February 2012; director          One wonders, therefore, how long
                        of North Atlantic Drilling since           it might be before Mr Thorstein takes
                        September 2013 and Golden Ocean            the helm at one of Mr Fredriksen’s
                        Group since September 2014; director       flagship companies — perhaps a
                        of Independent Tankers and director of     tanker company, led by the golden boy
                        Asia Offshore Drilling since March 2013.   as a golden period for tankers appears
                                                                   to be emerging.

         From tugs to terminals, the two brothers remain tipped in
               Denmark for greater roles in the family business

       Uggla brothers

OF the two Uggla brothers, it is the
younger one, Robert, who seems to
be riding high, with the elder brother,
Johan, quietly running APM Terminals’
business in the Danish port of Aarhus.

     The Uggla brothers, grandsons of
Maersk Mc-Kinney Moller and sons of
current chairman Ana Mc-Kinney Moller
Uggla, remain tipped in Denmark for
greater roles in the family business.

     Robert Uggla has the more visible
role of the two. He is currently chief
executive of the company’s tug and
salvage business, Svitzer.

     He has recently pushed through a
merger of the Svitzer salvage business
with Titan Salvage, the company that
specialises in wreck removal and
is owned by US business Crowley,

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