Page 46 - Next Generation 2015 - Digtial Issue
P. 46

Next Generation Past, present and future

LONG CYCLES IN THE TANKER MARKET 1963-2015	                                                          Source: Marecon

dwt                                             Demand Available tanker eet                                % surplus
500m                                                                                                               55%


400m                                                                                                       35%
300m                                                                                                       25%

200m                                                                                                       5%
100m                                                                                                       -5%

0     1967  1971  1975                    1979  1983  1987   1991  1995            1999  2003  2007  2011       -25%
1963                                                                                                       2015

perspective. Over the last 50 years the   view is that the trade volume of 20bn    high prices; and the fact that the next
tonnage of cargo transported per capita   tonnes in 2065 is a more sensible        wave of regional super-growth is not in
has increased from 0.5 tonnes in 1965     working assumption than 30bn tonnes.     sight yet.
to 1.43 tonnes in 2015. But within that
average, in 2015 the OECD economies       Question 3: Another shipping                  This downswing could take us into
imported 4 tonnes to 6 tonnes per         super-cycle 2015 to 2065?                the middle of the next decade, when
capita, while non-OECD countries          As suggested, there was a long (20-30    the next wave of development of the
imported about 0.4 tonnes per capita.     year) shipping cycle during the last     global economy picks up.
                                          50 years, with demand and supply
     In today’s world of global           components. This invites the questions        On the supply side, the
communications, the aspirations for       “where are we in that super-cycle today  shipbuilding super-cycle seems
growth are enormous, and Scenario 1       and will there be another?”              unlikely to help much. The last
(see graph page 45) assumes that by 2065                                           shipbuilding cycle lasted 36 years from
trade has reached 4 tonnes per capita          The demand super-cycle was          the 1976 peak to the 2011 peak and we
(based on population of 9.5bn). That      driven by surges of trade as new         are only four years past the last peak.
would require the shipping industry to    economies came into the maritime         So there could be a long way to go. But
move almost 30bn tonnes of cargo a year,  transport system, and sharp              on a positive note this cyclical pattern
three times the present level.            deceleration as they reached maturity    is now programmed into the fleet
                                          and the imports stopped growing so       demographic so eventually there will
     An alternative Scenario 2 assumes    fast. We saw this for Europe; Japan;     be a lot of fleet replacement.
that sluggish economic growth,            South Korea; and most recently China.
protectionism, climate change,            In addition, the oil trade, still the          The shipbuilding Scenario 1
increasing commodity prices and           biggest single bulk commodity, has       suggests a difficult decade, with
technical advances which diminish         been driven by a very long-term price    capacity above trend demand. But this
resource use would keep per capita        cycle which generated a “stop-go”        is a variable the industry controls so in
trade at the current level of around 1.4  pattern that caused volatility.          principle this time it could be different.
tons per capita.
                                               The position today is that the      Question 4: Another new transport
     In that case trade volume would      cyclical upswing of the last decade      system needed before 2065?
increase to only 14bn tonnes in 2065.     peaked out and trade could be moving     The final question concerns the
A 40% increase. It is not difficult to    into a period of below trend growth as   transport system. In 1965, the sea
think of a plausible explanation why      China slows; oil demand responds to      transport system was in the middle
something resembling either of these      new technology encouraged by recent      of a radical change from the old
scenarios might occur. My personal                                                 imperial cargo liners and tramp system

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