Page 43 - Next Generation 2015 - Digtial Issue
P. 43


Leading maritime economist Martin Stopford assesses
   the seismic changes in shipping over the past five

 decades to see what clues they offer about our future

THE 1960s was a decade of enormous         1.6bn tonnes in 1965 to 10.3bn tonnes     for the imperial trade. But in 1966
social and economic change. In Europe,     in 2015, a six-fold increase. Several     Malcom Maclean commissioned the
the 1950s, a decade of frugal recovery     developments coincided to create a        first transatlantic container service
from the Second World War, gave            global economic system that produced      from New Jersey to Rotterdam, and the
way to an exciting new society — the       this record of uninterrupted economic     OCL consortium was set up. General
Swinging 60s. The Beatles topped the       growth. These included the emergence      cargo was unitised and transported by
charts; colour television arrived; direct  of a global free trade policy, the        containerships; and air freight took the
dialling replaced switchboards; and the    communications revolution, quicker        high-value commodities.
Boeing 747 initiated mass global travel.   and easier global travel and formation
                                           of globalised materials markets.               During the same period,
     Shipping too was changing                                                       specialised vessels had developed,
fast. In 1966, work started on the              So, what was the shipping industry   including the first chemical tankers;
Queen Elizabeth II, the first of a new     like in 1965?                             the first LNG ships; the first purpose-
generation of cruiseship; Japan’s IHI                                                built car carriers; and the first open
shipyard delivered the first very large         In 1965, the shipping business was   hatch forest products carriers.
crude carrier and Malcom MacLean           busy building a new transport system.
started the first transatlantic container  The drive to reduce transport costs       NEW GENERATION OF
service. Norwegian shipping magnate        spurred the replacement of cargo liners   SHIPPING COMPANIES
Hilmar Reksten made a fortune when         and tramps, which had served shipping
the Suez Canal closed in 1967.             faithfully for a century, with much       At the same time, a new generation of
                                           bigger tankers and bulkers to transport   shipowners and shipping companies
THE NEW GLOBAL                             bulk raw materials.                       emerged, taking full advantage of the
ECONOMY OF THE 1960s                                                                 newly-developed flags of convenience
                                                In 1966, the first very large crude  to cut their costs to levels that allowed
By the 1960s a century of serving the      carrier, the 209,413 dwt Idemitsu         them to offer long-term time charters at
European empires was ending and            Maru, was delivered and also the          rates far below what the multinationals
shipping’s new role was globalisation.     first capesize bulk carrier, of 144,000   could provide themselves.
This came as a result of nations in Asia   dwt. Specialised bulk cargoes were
and Africa being granted independence      transported in specially designed              The FOC fleet grew rapidly as a
and the establishment of the European      bulk vessels (motor vehicles, forest      result. The time charters they obtained
Union in 1958. The US, the world’s         products, chemicals and gas, for          were then used to raise finance in the
wealthiest economy, provided a political   example). Multinational cargo shippers    rapidly growing Eurodollar market
hegemony founded on the principles         supported this development by             — the famous “other people’s money”
of free trade, established at the Bretton  building bulk terminals and providing     concept — to create a new type of
Woods conference in 1944, and the          time charters which enabled owners to     shipping business. Entrepreneurial
rapidly expanding multi-national           obtain finance for the big ships.         risk-taking became the name of
companies managed the change.                                                        the game. Gradually timec harters
                                                In the mid-1960s, the liner          disappeared as the multinationals
     The result was spectacular trade      business was struggling to carry the      found there were plenty of ships
growth. Sea trade expanded from            escalating volume of trade with a fleet   available on the spot market.
                                           of breakbulk cargo liners designed
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