Page 39 - Next Generation 2015 - Digtial Issue
P. 39

Next Generation Europe

                                                                                        The 35-year-old
                                                                                       ‘golden boy’ with
                                                                                     academic credentials
                                                                                         and investment
                                                                                         experience has

                                                                                          a plethora of
                                                                                      directorship roles in
                                                                                     the Fredriksen empire

                                                                                     Harald Thorstein

Eyal Ofer, centre with sons Daniel Ofer, left, and David                             WITH an already impressive resumé
                                                                                     peppered with directorships, it might
board and subsequently accompanying              They pride themselves on the        come across as condescending to label
the watchkeeper in his night watch          quality of their operational fleet       Harald Thorstein a rising star of the
duties during sailing.                      and flexibility with charterers, with    John Fredriksen shipping and energy
                                            whom they have numerous enduring         empire.
     Zodiac’s solid reputation stems        partnerships.
from the ethos of hard work, discipline                                                   Yet the shadow cast by Mr
and dedication ingrained over the years          Such advantages have allowed        Fredriksen and his former right-hand
by both Sammy and Eyal Ofer, combined       them to continue to be very active in    man, Tor Olav Trøim, is long and
with the steadfast professional guidance    the S&P market and grow the fleet        broad — hence the inclination to
provided by the legendary shipping          by over 25% in recent years, while       mark anyone under 40 in close orbit
guru Captain Rami Zingher, who retired      remaining low key and private in         of the leadership as a rising star and
from Zodiac in 2013.                        their transactions. The fleet they now   the next generation of shipping’s
                                            manage consists of more than 130         decision-makers.
     Together, Daniel and David             vessels in the bulk, container, tanker,
continue this legacy by growing the fleet   chemical, gas and PCTC sectors.               Certainly, Mr Thorstein, 35, has
with the same disciplined and private                                                been called Mr Fredriksen’s “golden
approach that have been the core values          Zodiac Maritime represents the      boy” and Mr Trøim is said to have
of the business from the beginning.         commercial shipping arm of Eyal          endorsed him emphatically, not least
                                            Ofer’s wider international business      because he hails from the same place
     With the support of commercial         domain. His other maritime interests     as Mr Trøim, Sandefjord.
director Samuel Gontha, the brothers sit    include OMNI Offshore Terminals,
at the centre of a new open-plan office at  the largest FSO operator in Southeast         But it is not just his home town
Zodiac’s headquarters in London’s West      Asia, and a large stake in Royal         that marks Mr Thorstein out as a man
End, where they continue to immerse         Caribbean Cruises, the world’s second-   to keep a close eye on as he further
themselves in all aspects of the shipping   largest cruise line.                     cements his position in the Fredriksen
operations.                                                                          empire over the coming years.

                                                                                          His high-powered mix of solid
                                                                                     academic credentials and investment
                                                                                     experience are a formidable
                                                                                     combination in a shipping industry
                                                                                     on the cusp of recovery in certain
                                                                                     sectors, new growth and new
                                                                                     investment expected for the sharpest
                                                                                     companies able to take advantage of
                                                                                     the shifting tides.

                                                                                          A master’s degree in industrial
                                                                                     economics and technology

                                                 | Lloyd’s List Next Generation 2015 | 39
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