Page 34 - Next Generation 2015 - Digtial Issue
P. 34

Next Generation Europe

Having been groomed
for the top job at CMA
 CGM, Jacques’ son

   has been making
 his own mark on the
  container shipping


Rodolphe Saadé

RODOLPHE Saadé is increasingly the           Maritime d’Affrètement in 1994, shortly  for a transhipment hub in Kingston,
public face of CMA CGM, even though          before the group acquired Compagnie      Jamaica.
his father Jacques remains chairman          Générale Maritime, which was being
and chief executive of the group he          privatised, to form CMA CGM.                  Then came delivery of the 17,722
founded.                                                                              teu CMA CGM Kerguelen, followed by
                                                  He was promoted to the board        an order for a trio of 20,600 teu vessels,
     Formally elevated to group              in 2010, and was quickly thrown into     to be built by Hanjin Heavy Industries’
vice-chairman last year, with official       the deep end as CMA CGM fought to        Subic Bay facility in the Philippines for
confirmation that he would take over the     restructure its debts and find some      2017 delivery.
top job from his father “when the time       outside investment.
was right”, Rodolphe had a somewhat                                                        Rodolphe Saadé is being closely
challenging start.                                Now, though, CMA CGM is in far      watched by the rest of the industry as
                                             better shape, with some of the best      he moves out of the shadows of his
     For within weeks of that promotion,     results in the industry. The group       father and makes his own mark on the
he heard that China had banned               reported a net profit surge of 43% for   container shipping world.
the P3 alliance between Maersk               2014 and cargo volume growth of 8.1%
Line, Mediterranean Shipping Co              to a record 12.2m teu.                        Those who know both him and
and CMA CGM, the world’s big three                                                    the company well expect his style to
containership operators.                          This is a busy time for CMA CGM,    be more collegiate, having worked
                                             which is buying German shortsea          alongside other senior managers for the
     Soon afterwards, Maersk and MSC         operator Oldenburg-Portugiesische        past 20 years as he learned his trade.
announced they would be pairing up,          Dampfschiffs-Rhederei from the
leaving CMA CGM out in the cold.             Bernhard Schulte Group, while                 “He’s very hands-on,” says one
                                             looking for other acquisition            industry grandee, who thinks the
     As one of the architects of P3, it was  opportunities.                           younger Saadé is doing well.
left to Rodolphe to pick up the pieces —
and he wasted no time in doing so.                CMA CGM is also building up its          CMA CGM is certainly riding high
                                             ports portfolio. Having raised cash      at the moment, but the true test will
     He turned to China Shipping             in 2013 through the $530m sale of        come when the next inevitable slump
Container Lines and United Arab              a 49% equity in its Terminal Link        hits the industry.
Shipping Co, two of the remaining            subsidiary to China Merchants, the
unaligned global carriers, to form Ocean     French company is expanding again,            That is when Rodolphe Saadé will
Three, a more loose-knit collaboration       recently signing a 30-year concession    have to prove whether can manage
than P3 and one that appears better                                                   through the bad times as well as the
suited to free-thinking CMA CGM.                                                      good, just as his father has done.

     All three of Jacques Saadé’s
children work for CMA CGM, but it is
Rodolphe who has been groomed for the
top job.

     Born in Lebanon in 1970, he
studied at Concordia University in
Montreal, before joining Compagnie

34 | Lloyd’s List Next Generation 2015 |
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