Page 31 - Next Generation 2015 - Digtial Issue
P. 31

Next Generation Europe

world’s biggest producers, according to    Any talk of the US impact on global energy has to include the US plan to export liquefied natural gas
the Paris-based energy watchdog, the
International Energy Agency.               exports of liquefied petroleum gas              However, there are issues
                                           will continue to light a flame under       clouding the development of US
     US refining capacity rose to 18m      the midsize and very large gas carrier     exports of LNG.
bpd in 2014 to cope with processing        industry.
this crude.                                                                                A lot depends on tolls charged by
                                           LIQUEFIED NATURAL GAS                      the Panama Canal Authority when LNG
     Evidently, US refiners can’t process                                             ships transit for the first time after the
it all, hence the storage crisis.          Any talk of the US impact on global        expanded canal opens in 2016.
                                           energy has to include the US plan to
     While there is no real consensus      export another type of gas — liquefied          The toll level currently proposed
on how much crude the US could end         natural gas.                               is reasonable, but this could rise in the
up exporting, the American Petroleum                                                  future to pay for the expansion’s large
Institute has had a good stab at                It will have a bigger impact on       cost overruns.
working it out.                            global energy than LPG because LNG is
                                           used to fire power stations, whereas LPG        Another issue is the local market
     It has estimated that if US crude     is used as a feedstock to make plastic     for gas in the US, which could impinge
exports were eventually allowed, the       and, in some cases, as a vehicle fuel.     on export volumes.
US could export on average 2.1m barrels
per day between 2015-2035.                      The US LNG plan is poised to               Around 30 US projects are at
                                           commence at the end of this year           various stages of approvals and
     Depending on which tankers carry      or beginning of next, and the LNG          planning, with the Cheniere project at
the cargoes, it would represent a full     shipping industry can hardly wait.         Sabine Pass in the US Gulf expected to
load for one very large crude carrier                                                 start exporting cargoes at the end of
every day, or two suezmaxes a day, or           Some 1m tonnes of US LNG is           this year or in 2016.
3.5 aframaxes a day.                       enough cargo for 2.5 ships bound for
                                           Asia, according to gas shipping experts.        Canada also has its own LNG
     Even without exporting its crude,                                                export ambitions, but is not at an
the US is having a major impact                 Given that 67m tonnes of LNG per      advanced stage, which also goes for
on crude tanker trades, simply by          year is likely to be produced from US      East Africa.
producing so much crude.                   projects in the coming years, more than
                                           150 ships will be required to carry these       So, while other nations will have
     Its high level of production has      volumes, they say.                         an impact on global tanker and gas
pushed Saudi Arabia into a price                                                      carrier trades over the coming years,
war with the US, with the Saudis                An extra 70m tonnes per year of       none can really be said to match the
producing at record levels to force        US volumes is possible, requiring even     substantial impact that the US is on
smaller US shale producers out of          more ships.                                the brink of having.
business, generating decent cargo
volumes from the Middle East for                The likelihood is that around 100m         This interesting era of global
VLCCs over the past few months.            tonnes per year of LNG will come out of    energy can only get more interesting
                                           the US Gulf by 2025.                       for the shipping industry.
     In the meantime, while the US
decides if it wants to be a crude
exporter, it will no doubt continue to
be a major player in the oil products
exporting industry, as well as the
burgeoning condensate export industry
(condensate is very lightly processed
crude and is carried on product
tankers, so does not transgress the ban
on US crude exports).

     These two trades will offer growing
future employment opportunities
for product tankers, and growing US

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