Page 32 - Next Generation 2015 - Digtial Issue
P. 32

Next Generation Europe

Marc Saverys with sons Alexander, Michael and Ludovic

     “There has not been much of            career in shipping. So much is learned         In addition to his chairmanship
a learning curve,” he says frankly.         on the job and from colleagues, he says.  of CMB, Marc Saverys is vice-chairman
“It has not really changed the way I                                                  of Euronav and his brother Nicolas,
work. I now have around 100 vessels              It is an industry in which those     Alexander’s uncle, is chief executive
under my control, compared with 15 at       who may have shunned their textbooks      and managing director of gas specialist
Delphis. I know all the people and the      when growing up, or who have simply       Exmar. His aunt Virginie has worked in
departments.                                not been afforded the opportunity to      the legal department of both Bocimar
                                            study, can still enjoy great success.     and Exmar.
     “My experience of the container
crisis has been helpful, as I can apply          But Alexander is quick to                 Alexander is the eldest of four
what I learned there to dry bulk. The       acknowledge that many advantages          brothers, two of whom are active at CMB:
most important thing is to safeguard        still emanate from being a member of a    Ludovic joined as chief financial officer
the 60 or so vessels that are exposed.      shipping family.                          last year and Michael runs the chartering
I must very quickly make sure things                                                  desk. Second-born Sebastian has opted
are stable.                                      “You see things, meet people         for a career in agriculture.
                                            and benefit from a huge network of
     “It is all part of shipping. You have  expertise,” he says but adds that this         Is sibling rivalry an issue? Working
good years and you have bad years. It is    does come at price. “You also have to     with family has more benefits than
just that the movements are brutal.”        prove yourself. You have to be seen to    challenges, says Alexander.
                                            be worth it [your position]”.
     Despite having two law degrees and                                                    “Everyone has strengths and
an MBA in his back pocket, Alexander             The Saverys family shipping          weaknesses and everyone does what they
believes no amount of education can         interests are vast and there seems to     are good at and they do it well. For us,
adequately prepare someone for a            be a family member in every sector or     the family model works well,” he says.

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