Page 37 - Next Generation 2015 - Digtial Issue
P. 37

Next Generation Technology

                                               Automation system regulates                 Compressors ll the ship’s
                                               compressors depending on                    cavities with air at the
                                               draught and speed                           required pressure

admitted to flying frequently to Greece                             Super thin layer of micros bubbles trail behind each cavity
to see owners.                                                      and merges into a single “air carpet” for the full at bottom
                                                                    of the hull. This reduces frictional resistance
     The retrofits are likely to be the first
to take place, with the charterers and                                                    Fuel consumption can be
Silverstream opting to use drydocks in                                                    reduced by up to 10%
Singapore, the Middle East and Europe                                                     depending on vessel type
rather than China.
                                                                                                                   Source: Silverstream Technologies
     Silverstream is very keen on
maintaining and protecting its intellectual        HOW IT WORKS
property rights for its unique underwater
cavity system.                                 Air lubrication works by using compressors to pump air under the hull of a
                                               vessel. The air is pumped into a number of cavities towards the fore end of the
     The drydocking of Amalienborg took        underside of the ship and a ‘carpet’ of very small bubbles then flows under the
14 days, but the next could be shorter.        rest of the hull towards the stern.
The new retrofit projects would also
back up the ongoing data collection from             A ship’s engine is used to overcome the friction between a ship’s hull and
Amalienborg, says Mr Silberschmidt,            the water; the air carpet reduces that friction, making it easier for the ship to
which has proven to be crucial in              pass through the water. Thus less power, and so less fuel, is needed to achieve
convincing the sceptical industry of the       a set speed.
validity of the technology.
                                                     Mr Silberschmidt says the company always reports the net gains of
     With months of operational data, the      the system, which allows for the calculated energy needed to power the air
Silverstream message is that this is now a     compressors.
proven technology, not an aspiring one. It
is a technology that UCL Energy Institute            There is also the possibility that the air carpet may have a positive effect on
researchers say has passed through the         biofouling or other deterioration of a ship’s hull, which can have a negative long-
valley of death.                               term impact on energy performance.

     It has weathered the period when               “We set up more rigorous testing       set of orders are in the water and have
it has computational data and perhaps          and people can agree with our processes     collected even more data to verify the
scale model results, but is waiting for        and we can manage expectations. We          system’s performance.
the first orders to come in to give it full-   have done things right.”
scale results and the revenue to ramp                                                           The company also has an order
up production                                       And this could be good advice to       for a cruiseship, so clearly targets that
                                               other maritime cleantech firms. The         market too.
     The development of Silverstream,          temptation is always to overplay the fuel-
which began life known as the Danish/          saving percentages, and to use spurious          There are other makers of air
Dutch business DK Group, is an indication      comparisons in favour of the percentages.   lubrication systems. Mitsubishi in Japan
of the growth of cleantech in shipping.                                                    has developed one, but Silverstream
                                                    Mr Silberschmidt is now far more       thinks it has now beaten this, with Mr
     When operating as DK Group, the           vocal about his confidence of the future.   Silberschmidt asking where is their
company, and its then chief executive,         He now believes he could win orders         publicly available data to back up
were boasting fuel savings of 15%              for up to half of the newbuilding orders    performance claims? Mitsubishi has
and over, while taking a much more             for large tankers, gas carriers and bulk    so far not responded to requests for an
confrontational approach to shipping.          vessels in five years’ time, once the next  interview or information.

     A change of management, and
fresh investment has helped develop
the product into one that can handle
more scrutiny.

     “We have been smart,” says Mr
Silberschmidt about the new company,
which is now based in London.

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