Page 44 - Next Generation 2015 - Digtial Issue
P. 44

Next Generation Past, present and future

WORLD MERCHANT FLEET BY FLAG 1902- 2015	                                                                      Source: Marecon

450                                                                   Europe  Asia Panama & Liberia           USA Others

400                                        Europe                                                        The eet of other
            Others                         12%                                                          countries continues
                                                                                                         to expand rapidly
350 36%


250                                                                             W. Europe dominated
                                                                              shipping until 1978 when
                   USA                                                            European owners
                                                                                     “ agged out”
150 1%
                        Panama & Liberia           Panama & Liberia:
100                             30%                   open registry
                                                    ags grew rapidly
                                                        after 1945


0     1912              1922  1932         1942    1952               1962    1972   1982               1992  2002           2012

     So in 1965 a transformation was in    and the 2007-2008 credit crisis. All      seems likely to continue, sets the scene
process and over the next 50 years the     six occurred in the period since 1973,    for the next 50 years.
industry changed out of all recognition.   which works out at five crises in 30
                                           years, or one every six years. This year  THE SEA TRADE
IMPACT OF GLOBALISATION                    comes seven years since the last crisis,  SUPER-CYCLE 1965-2015
ON SEA TRADE                               so you can make your own conclusions
                                           on what that means, if anything.          This pattern of regional development
The 50 years since 1965 were generally                                               had another important impact on the
prosperous. But this prosperity was             For the shipping industry each       shipping market. Bringing a succession
patchy. World gross domestic product       decade brought new developments. The      of new regions into the trading system
grew at an average of 3.8% per year        1950s saw colonial independence; in       introduced long-term cycles into ship
and world seaborne trade grew even         the 1960s Europe and Japan rebuilding     demand. Sea trade grew much faster
faster, increasing to 13 times its 1950    their economies, importing vast           than GDP over the 50 years, but it also
level by 2005. In the process almost       amounts of raw materials by sea; This     followed a different long-term cyclical
every aspect of the shipping business      was followed in the 1970s and 1980s       path. There are three clear phases:
changed.                                   by the growth of South Korea and the
                                           Asian Tigers; and in the 1990s the             1960-1980: Seaborne trade was
     However, this growth did not          Soviet Union and China opened their       driven well above the GDP trend as
follow a neat exponential pattern.         economies to trade.                       Europe and Japan went through a raw
Digging a little below the surface, we                                               materials intensive growth cycle.
find that shipping investors had to deal        As a result, the regional structure
with cycles which seem to have been        of trade in 2015 was very different            1980-1999: Trade fell below the
operating at three different levels.       from 50 years earlier. In 1965,           GDP trend as the pressure on resources
                                           two-thirds of all seaborne imports        caused by the 1960s growth triggered
     First of all there were 11 business   went into countries in the Organisation   the two oil crises of 1973 and 1979,
cycles, some of which were serious         for Economic Co-operation and             plus commodity price inflation. This
enough to be labelled “crises”. Only       Development, the home of traditional      triggered a decline in trade coupled
one resulted in a decline in world         seafarers. The non-OECD countries         with a world economic recession.
GDP, but the six “crises” all triggered a  accounted for only one third of trade.
decline in sea trade which rattled the     By 2015 the pattern was reversed. The          2000-2015: Sea trade was above
cage of shipowners — the two oil crises    non-OECD countries accounted for          trend as the world recovered from
in the 1970s; the financial crisis of the  two-thirds of imports and the OECD        the 1970s crisis and the Asian growth
early 1990s; the 1997 Asia crisis; and     for only one-third. This pattern, which   cycle gathered force. It started with
the so-called crisis in 2001;                                                the Tigers, then China picked up in the
                                                                                     late 1990s.

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