Page 50 - Next Generation 2015 - Digtial Issue
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Next Generation Europe

     And finally, investors and           The 31-year-old corporate shortsea shipping
stakeholders should remain                    director and keen horseman is just one
                                          member of the third generation to be working
     Next-generation shipping is                         in the family business
becoming more dynamic, says Mr
Helberg, and for that, the industry              Italy                             Finnlines has just reported a very
needs to be aware of so much more.               Guido Grimaldi                    successful 2014.

     Financial investors need to          GRIMALDI’s Motorways of the Sea               “We delivered a €40m ($44.6m)
take an interest in much more than        network continues to expand — and        improvement on the bottom line
financial figures. There is a need to     Guido Grimaldi’s enthusiasm only         at Finnlines — last year was quite
be more aware of asset technology,        increases year by year. “I love my job   amazing,” he says.
the capabilities of chosen shipyards,     — it is very demanding but I don’t feel
regulations that can easily upset an      stressed,” he says. “I get even more          And while the introduction of
investment.                               excited and have more energy.”           the sulphur emission control areas
                                                                                   has been the ‘hot issue’, he says
     Add to this the market stress             Guido, now 31, joined the family    Finnlines has successfully found a
that brings with it dynamics and          business in 2005 after graduating        solution in order to comply without
opportunities, and that is what makes     in economics at in Naples and then       passing on huge additional costs to
Mr Helberg excited about the future.      studying for an MBA in logistics in      customers.
                                          Frankfurt. But he had been immersed
     Mr Helberg was appointed head        in all things shipping since he was 16        “We have installed scrubbers on
of RS Platou Markets when he joined       years old, when he was sent away for     15 vessels — it was quite a massive
the investment bank five years ago. He    three or four weeks each summer to       investment of almost €70m,” he says.
became known through his ascension        serve on board Grimaldi vessels.         With the alternative being a switch to
in Pareto Securities, where in the seven                                           ultra low-sulphur fuels, “we believe it
years in the company, he rose from             As corporate shortsea shipping      was the best solution we could adopt”,
being an analyst to becoming a partner    director, he now spends one or two       he says.
and head of shipping research.            weeks out of every month in Finland,
                                          where the Grimaldi subsidiary
     A master’s graduate from City
University Business School in London,
he is one of the top brokers in the
industry and has a number of merits
to his name, including those from the
analyst ranking agencies StarMine and

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