Page 55 - Next Generation 2015 - Digtial Issue
P. 55

Next Generation The future


Unmanned ships will be just one of the features
    of the next 50 years, writes Craig Eason

THIS is an era of technological change.      The drive for asset optimisation is likely to reach a level where remote diagnostics becomes
     That is the view of a panel of five     more common

leading technology experts approached             MAN Diesel’s Ole Groene does not           Unlike the innovation promises
by Lloyd’s List for their insights on        believe that the end of oil-based fuels    of 20 years ago that were not fastened
innovation over the next five decades.       will happen within 50 years, but says      in regulation or did not have the
It is also reflected in the views of the UK  there will be an increased mix of fuels    increased levels of communication
class society Lloyd’s Register and the       that will develop. He is more positive     and data to back them up, there
recently formed International Wind-          about the potential to use nuclear         is a belief in the power of a more
Ship Association, which shared their         power in vessels than most.                determined regulatory landscape,
opinions on future fuels and power.                                                     and real-time asset oversight, to create
                                                  The future fuel scenario will be      fundamental change.
     It is not surprising that this is an    diverse and additional power will be
era of change. More interesting are the      harnessed from the wind, and recently      OUTSOURCING AND THE
areas of consensus and disagreement          matured technologies such as air           DEMAND FOR DATA
among our experts on what 2065 will          bubbles will grow in popularity.
look like for shipping, particularly                                                    The shipowner of the future will not
how ships will be built, handled and              The next decade and the coming        be the shipowner of today. Shipping
controlled.                                  half-century will see a continuation       will continue to outsource to service
                                             of the rapid asset development seen        providers, and this in turn will lead to
     First, there is the prophecy of         over the last decade, in which the         some fundamentally new dynamics.
unmanned ships. Wärtsilä’s Tomas             focus has been on securing safer and
Aminoff and ABB’s Heikki Soljama             more efficient performance. For these           As we look to how transformative
point to the need for crew training to       engineering companies, and one can         technology can be, one wonders if
develop rapidly, yet recognise that          read their individual forecasts, there is  there is enough desire in industry to
shore-based monitoring and decision          confidence in the future.                  take it all on board.
making will increase and could well
lead to remote-controlled tonnage.

     But before we reach the age of
unmanned vessels and the shore-
based control centres that Rolls-
Royce’s Oskar Levander and BMT
Smart’s Peter Mantel say are a part of
shipping’s future, the industry will
need fewer mechanical engineers
and more electrical and software
engineers on board ever more
complex ships.

     All five agree that asset
complexity will grow, as will the
ability to collect and utilise increased
amounts of real time data.

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