Page 59 - Next Generation 2015 - Digtial Issue
P. 59

Next Generation The future

could be used to fabricate spare         will disappear, leading to a focus on        third country, only to transport the cars
parts, leading to a reduction of costly  trading distances, despite the efficiencies  halfway round the world if there is no
onboard inventories and emergency        found in today’s largest bulk vessels.       economic advantage?
shipping costs.
                                              As Wartsilä’s Tomas Aminoff points           There is no question that this is a
     There are predictions that as       out, why mine iron ore in Australia, ship    period of great change, but as our panel
global equality develops, the gains in   it to China to create steel, then ship the   of experts confirms, such change will be
producing goods in particular countries  steel to a car manufacturer, possibly in a   through evolution, not revolution.

FAST FORWARD 50 YEARS Oskar Levander, Rolls-Royce vice-president

ALL vessels will need to be more efficient in the future, says Oskar           Mr Levander points to the development of propulsion
Levander, Rolls-Royce’s blue sky thinking guru.                          packages by companies such as Rolls-Royce as an indication
                                                                         that this process has already started.
      It was Mr Levander, while he was Wärtsilä, who pointed to
the development of liquefied natural gas as a marine fuel. But                 Systems and sensors are far more reliable than just a few
his vision of the future also includes automated shipbuilding and        years ago, and with much cheaper reliable communication
scalable modular unmanned ships.                                         tools, this opens the door for increased data — data that can
                                                                         be used to support real-time vessel health checks, says Mr
      Mr Levander is as convinced as ever that unmanned vessels          Levander.
will be a reality. What is perhaps most surprising is that he thinks
the industry will begin to see the first demonstrators within the              The systems will be more complex, but the interface with
coming decade.                                                           the human operator will become standardised and simpler.
                                                                         Think of the development of smart phones. They are easy to
      The first examples are likely to be small and used in the          use, yet the systems inside are increasingly complex.
coastal waters of only one country, thereby avoiding the need to
comply with international crewing regulations that could make                  As ships become more complex, there will be fewer crew,
such a development difficult.                                            so vessels will need to be easier to operate. And if something
                                                                         goes wrong, there will be shore-based experts to assist, using
      His argument is that as all the technology exists to make          augmented reality. Crews will not be experts on all the onboard
unmanned ships a reality, the focus should be on complete                systems, but will have enough competencies to be assisted with
system reliability. Unmanned vessels that are either autonomous          any complex repairs.
or remote-controlled will be a key feature of the next 50 years,
according to Mr Levander.                                                      Remote sensing and modular packages will all lead towards
                                                                         ships that are first remote-controlled and then autonomous.
      The need for all ships to become more efficient will lead to
the development of improved hybrid solutions, with batteries                   “Humans remain better at making decisions in unforeseen
increasingly appearing in ship designs. In commercial shipping,          events, but the computer can be better at deciding on foreseen
vessels will stick with mechanical drives for some time to come, but     events,” says Mr Levander. He foresees remote operations
what will change is the industrialisation of their design, he says.      centres developing to monitor and control fleets of unmanned
      Shipyards will be where much of the change will be seen;
and as consolidation takes hold in shipbuilding, there will be more            With this comes increased vessel traffic control, but Mr
standardisation in the systems and designs.                              Levander is keen to see a distinction between commercial and
                                                                         government functions, so control centres and vessel traffic
      Power storage, batteries, will play a bigger role, especially as   should not be combined.
the technology improves and costs fall.
                                                                               In short, shipping will start to mirror aviation, but it will
      Mr Levander points to the aviation industry to highlight what      need a revision of the Safety of Life at Sea Convention to enable
he means. There are not many airframe designs but there are              some of these developments to occur.
plenty of airlines with aircraft with a range of scalable differences.
                                                                               Mr Levander also sees changing demand influencing ship
      While there will be more designs and more companies                types. He is not a fan of the car carrier, with the inefficiencies
building ships than building aircraft, Mr Levander sees increased        of its permanent ballast. It is a vessel he sees as limited by port
use of scalable modularisation with common optimised and                 infrastructure and other logistics choke points: Is it efficient to
validated systems.                                                       drive 6,000 cars separately into a vessel?

      This will help raise reliability and efficiency, both operational        Likewise with the containership that requires thousands of
and economic, to the next level. It will also support the drive for      container lifts, it is important to look at the cargo unit and how
asset monitoring and performance benchmarking. Maintenance               cargo is loaded and discharged, he says.
will be increasingly predictive and not prescriptive.

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