Page 60 - Next Generation 2015 - Digtial Issue
P. 60

Next Generation Asia


                      The energetic Buhari boy has been tasked with
                        investing and trading in the energy sector at
                                    the Coal & Oil Company

                      Ahmed Rahman

                      AHMED Rahman clearly has a depth         that he has been tasked with investing
                      of knowledge about shipping that         and trading in the energy sector, and
                      ensures he is the most qualified of the  has stated his plans to buy more ships
                      four sons of billionaire Abdur Rahman    to bring down the costs of importing
                      to take the Buhari Group’s influence in  thermal coal into India.
                      the shipping industry to new heights in
                      2015 and beyond.                              Thermal coal generates around
                                                               70% of India’s power, so the task is
                           With a master’s degree in           certainly a pressing one, and one
                      shipping, trading and finance from City  suited to the attention of a man who,
                      University Business School in London,    alongside his impressive shipping
                      Ahmed understands the complexities       qualifications, holds a degree in
                      of the shipping markets at a time of     marketing and finance from Bentley
                      great polarisation in the industry.      College in the US.

                           This polarisation refers to the          With a few other business strings
                      recovery and excited hype currently      to his bow — he is the founder of the
                      surrounding the tanker market, and the   Emirates Environmental Protection
                      general sense of “where is it all going  Company and director of Global Tea
                      wrong” enveloping dry bulk shipping      and Commodities in the UK — this
                      at the moment.                           energetic Buhari boy shows why he
                                                               deserves his place on the list of the
                           Ahmed, who founded the Coal         next generation of business leaders to
                      & Oil Company in 1998, will have         wield influence and power in the global
                      to negotiate this unusual dynamic        shipping industry.
                      carefully in 2015 and beyond, given

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