Page 62 - Next Generation 2015 - Digtial Issue
P. 62

Next Generation Asia

his management that Xinfu triumphantly           The 39-year-old chief financial officer has
delivered the Seaspan sextet in 2014.         made things add up for Wah Kwong and sees

     The father is apparently confident                  shipping as “solid” business
about the designation, saying his son
will help him “steer the group in the right   Hong Kong
direction and bring more success”.            Vince Lai

     Ren Letian’s ascension is certainly      THE front figures of Wah Kwong Marine     successfully helped Wah Kwong to tap
coming at a crucial moment, as YZJ,           Transport, one of the most famous         into Chinese financing as European
which initially thrived on building dry       private shipowners in Hong Kong, have     lenders withdrew.
bulkers, is now aiming to transform itself    been its chairman Sabrina Chao and
into an all-rounder.                          chief executive Tim Huxley.                    Over the past seven years, the
                                                                                        owner has become one of the first in
     Its successful experience of                  The person who draws relatively      shipping to take advantage of China’s
accomplishing the 10,000 teu vessels has      less public attention but could be        expanding export credits, as well as
allowed it to think even bigger: ultra large  just as important is Vincent Lai, who     Chinese commercial banks and leasing
containerships.                               has helped the Chao family business       firms’ increased shipping portfolio.
                                              navigate through the post-2008
     Meanwhile, it has also begun to          downturn.                                      Well regarded for his work,
make headway in liquefied natural                                                       Mr Lai was promoted to executive
gas tankers, with two 27,500 cu m LNG              Mr Lai joined Wah Kwong as           director and chief financial officer
carriers inked with Evergas, and research     financial controller in 2008, when        in January 2013.
and development on the 84,000 cu m            the owner was in need of financing
vessels under way.                            its orderbook of more than 12 bulkers          As an owner that prioritises
                                              and tankers, after scrapping its initial  profitability over business scale, Wah
     Last month, the chairman even            public offering.                          Kwong generally takes financials into
expressed his interest in building                                                      consideration at the early stage of
valemaxes — the very large ore carriers            Fluent in Mandarin, Cantonese        decision-making process. Mr Lai has
for the Brazilian mining giant.               and English, the financial specialist     been actively involved in Wah Kwong’s

     His son would undoubtedly play a
key role in such ambitious plans.

     It appears that it is not only Mr Ren
senior who has faith in YZJ’s future.

     BlackRock, the world’s largest
investment house, with $4.77trn
of assets under management, has
repeatedly increased its stakes in YZJ
over the past months.

     With 28,500 more shares bought on
April 28, it now holds 191.6m YZJ shares,
or a total 5% stake in the company.

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