Page 57 - Next Generation 2015 - Digtial Issue
P. 57

Next Generation The future

     What drivers will create demand     large dry and liquid bulk vessels in           Governments want data. They
for new technologies on board? What      long-term contracts. According to         want to keep the seas clean and safe.
will create the demand for wing-         the company, these contracts are          Being able to identify and monitor each
sails, Flettner rotors and underwater    not driven by the shipowner, but by       vessel is an obvious way to do that.
bubbles?                                 large charterers, by shippers that
                                         want and demand oversight of the               Charterers want data. They are
     The International Maritime          tonnage they rent.                        themselves increasingly under pressure
Organization will mandate the goals                                                to reveal how sustainable their logistics
the industry must achieve, but is not         Similarly RightShip, the Australian  footprint is, and by that one can read
likely to say how those goals should be  vetting group, will launch Qi later       how sustainable their service providers
achieved.                                this year, its product based on big       such as shipowners are.
                                         data. The notion is to predict risk and
     As Lloyd’s List reveals,            performance, including environmental           Shipowners and operators want
Silverstream, the European company       performance, by analysing as much         data. Operators and managers of
with a registered design for             relevant data as it can collect about     large fleets are increasingly aware
underwater air lubrication, is about     ships that charterers may want to use.    of the economic gains of being able
to secure a large number of deals for                                              to accurately monitor performance.

FAST FORWARD 30 YEARS Heikki Soljama, ABB managing director ports and maritime

WITH more than 30 years in the industry, ABB head of marine and         Mr Soljama, it is not possible to find enough electrical engineers
ports Heikki Soljama says he has never seen an age like the current     externally.
one to offer opportunities to marine engineering companies such
as ABB.                                                                       Drill ships and semisubmersibles have extremely
                                                                        sophisticated dynamic positioning that can automatically maintain
      The opportunities that are out there are rapidly evolving, he     the unit’s position in all but the very roughest seas. Automation
says, and there are many factors driving innovation forward but         and remote monitoring ties into the development of the human
the biggest change right now is the level of automation, and while      element, crew behaviour and productivity.
the industry takes its time to debate unmanned ships, crucial
developments will take place.                                                 One only has to look at the advance of diesel-eclectic
                                                                        propulsion shipping to see that new ideas can become more
      Many top-end ships already have high levels of sophisticated      widespread. Diesel electric took 30 years, but other innovations
software, but they are often standalone systems, explains Mr            may be a lot quicker.
Soljama. As there is greater access to more processes, remote
access will increase, calling for and allowing the systems to better          “Rules and regulations will impact appetite, as will certain
integrate.                                                              market influences,” he says. “ So what we will have in the future is
                                                                        more diversification, which will come as we understand and accept
      This will significantly change shipping culture, he says. The     the responsibilities, opportunities and risks.”
early movers of the level of electrical control are mostly offshore
and specialised vessels, but this will develop in other shipping              There will be an increase in the types of vessels we see on the
sectors.                                                                oceans. Take the deepsea mining vessels helping extract precious
                                                                        metals, and the offshore windfarm installation vessels.
      In former eras of shipping, when ships were made of wood or
riveted steel, they would be out of touch for long time and their fate        Another near-term solution that is going to mature over the
uncertain, so there was little focus on performance. Just making it     coming decades will be energy storage. Battery power will grow as
to port was enough of a benchmark.                                      they become more efficient, cheaper, lighter and capable of storing
                                                                        more power.
      Today, the role of the crew is changing, staff onshore can
manage much more, and they will be well supported by ABB and                  Battery power may not be mature enough for deepsea yet,
other suppliers of systems and services.                                but it is now starting to appear in shortsea vessels and will grow.
                                                                        This is a technology development that others from the Lloyd’s
      Crew training will also need to change. There are not enough      List future panel think will develop and play a role in the coming
shipmanagement and ship operators with the competence for these         decades.
developing electrical systems. They mostly train in mechanical
engineering, when the ships of the future will need more electrical           ABB is promoting the zero emission port calls where batteries
engineers, even if the future comes with remote monitoring.             make all the difference. ABB is all about promoting electrified
                                                                        vessels. It recently developed a direct current system for ships,
      ABB has its own training academies to help maintain its own       making it much easier to plug and play new systems that will help
staff capabilities, but also the customers’ staff. According to         with asset management.

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