Page 66 - Next Generation 2015 - Digtial Issue
P. 66

Next Generation Asia

                                                                                     The entrepreneurial
                                                                                         former office

                                                                                     manager has made
                                                                                     the Marshall Islands

                                                                                       Registry a major
                                                                                       presence in Asia

                                                                                     Hong Kong
                                                                                     Annie Ng

     It was the entrepreneurial flair    friend and maritime colleague as            THE world’s ship registers are not
of Nepa that awakened Capt Sastry’s      manager. The company grew.                  exactly in a race to place the most
imagination. He confessed to Mr                                                      tonnage under their respective flags,
Einheuser that running operations             Not long afterwards, he spotted        but they are the decidedly competitive.
wasn’t enough; he always wanted to       Accord Shipmanagement, a firm that
be a shipowner.                          had languished after its Cyprus-based            That’s why when the Marshall
                                         owner had exited Hong Kong, selling         Islands Maritime and Corporate
     Mr Einheuser responded that         it to a third party. Capt Sastry bought it  Registry’s chief Bill Gallagher
Nepa wasn’t interested in owning         whole for Accord for almost nothing —       announced in Singapore that it would
ships, but he had no objection if        “the price of the tables and chairs”.       soon overtake the Liberian register
Capt Sastry structured a deal on the                                                 — the world’s largest — some time
side. So he began finding investors           By the time US-based Crowley           this year, reporters simply took the
and putting together special purpose     Maritime Corp purchased the company         comment as an assertion of animal
vehicles. Eventually, Nepa became an     in April 2014, Accord had offices in        spirits.
investor, too.                           Hong Kong, India, and the Netherlands,
                                         23 vessels under management and                  But it might actually happen. As of
     Capt Sastry won a reputation for    employed 55 people. Nepa sold 51% to        March 31, Marshall Islands could boast
prescient reading of the market in a     Crowley, which saw Accord as a way to       more than 118m gt of registered ships.
deal for a 26-year-old dry bulk carrier  spread its shipmanagement business          It passed the 100m gt mark in February
that he bought in early 2008, when       into the Asian arena.                       of 2014. In 2010, the register had about
the market was still at high. His SPV                                                half that amount, at 52.3m gt.
only owned the ship for six months;           Following last year’s Accord deal,
in that time, by trading alone, it       Capt Sastry has hit his stride, having           That still leaves a way to go to close
earned $3.5m.                            put together a pool of heavylift vessels    the gap with its Liberian counterpart,
                                         in a practical, but ingenious scheme        which has 135m gt, according to its
     Most investors would have stayed    — in that no-one had yet thought of it      website. But the Marshall Islands
with the vessel, but Capt Sastry         — which ensures high utilisation of this    Registry has been travelling the
convinced his partners to sell. The      costly equipment.                           distance rather quickly.
sale — to a Kuwaiti investor and at a
handsome profit — closed within days          Several joint ventures struck in            If the gap does close this year,
of the collapse of Lehman Brothers.      recent years are thriving — from India      contribution from the Asian unit
                                         to Guinea.                                  will be the likely cause. Years back,
     He began looking for companies                                                  when Mr Gallagher was looking to
to buy for Nepa. The first was a modest       Looking for a wild and wonderful       build the register’s presence in Asia,
shipping recruitment agency in Hong      commercial angle on shipping in             he noticed an employee that seemed
Kong, in which he placed a longtime      unexpected places? It’s likely that Capt    unusually energetic, spoke Cantonese
                                         Sastry will already be there.               and Mandarin, had good business
                                                                                     sense and approached the business
                                                                                     like an entrepreneur. She happened
                                                                                     to be Annie Ng, the office manager. Mr
                                                                                     Gallagher told her to go out and sell. In
                                                                                     less than 10 years, she was head of Asia.

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