Page 68 - Next Generation 2015 - Digtial Issue
P. 68

Next Generation Asia

                                          Having led FSL to recovery, the 37-year-old chief
                                           executive can now move away from firefighting

                                               to consider new business opportunities

                                          Alan Hatton

     Three years later, he joined one     WHEN Alan Hatton took office as the               The improved financial position
of the three Lloyd’s syndicates in        chief executive of First Ship Lease Trust    now allows Mr Hatton to move away
Singapore at that time, underwriting a    in August 2013, the Singapore-listed         from firefighting and to consider new
diverse portfolio of marine cargo, hull   trustee-manager owner of 23 tank carriers    business opportunities.
and liability risks.                      and boxship was in a bind.
                                                                                            “We certainly have the ambition
     In September 2012, Mr Cannock             The previous management exodus          not to stand still,” he said, adding the
joined Markel International as marine     had left a near two-month vacuum at the      trust is looking to renew the fleet and
underwriter and helped expand             helm. The trust then lost $65 during that    achieve growth.
its shipping insurance team in            year, and was to face “onerous” charges
Singapore. He was promoted to be the      for breaking the terms of a 2011 loan             However, Mr Hatton is not just
company’s managing director of Asia       agreement.                                   ambitious but also cautious. The
in August 2013.                                                                        pivotal choice, in his eyes, is to find
                                               However Mr Hatton, formerly chief       the right sectors as well as the right
     While also overseeing other lines    executive at product tanker owner FR8,       counterparties.
of business in energy, trade credits and  quickly helped FSL to get back on its feet.
finance, Mr Cannock has remained                                                            “We are not just building lots of
active in the marine sector and                The trust passed a milestone in         residual risks, not trying to invest in
continues to attend Lloyd’s meetings.     January, with the announcement that          a very hot sector at the moment, just
                                          it was back in compliance with the           because it seems to make sense.”
     The key to success as an             loan covenants. It also returned to
underwriter, according to Mr Cannock,     the black for 2014, posting a full-year           The past bitter experiences
is to meet requirements from clients,     profit of $4.1m.                             from a time when the trust paid high
especially when marine insurance often                                                 asset prices for deals with initial
involves complex cross-jurisdiction            The 37-year-old was an investment       good cashflows that soon went sour,
regulations.                              banker before he came into shipping          has left a big financial hole that the
                                          eight years ago and has proved his           management will need to fill over a
     “The challenge is to be able to      sagacity in the industry. His focus on       long time, Mr Hatton said.
serve… We win over clients as we find     better vessel deployment and cost
them solutions,” he said.                 reduction is among the key drivers of the         “So now the idea is to make sure
                                          company’s recovery.                          we learn from those lessons,” he

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