Page 72 - Next Generation 2015 - Digtial Issue
P. 72

Next Generation Technology

      NEXT                   WE NEED TO
GENERATION                  BE READY FOR

                            Huge leaps in technology have changed
                             our lives elsewhere — we can expect
                             significant change to our shipping live,
                             says Lloyd’s Register’s Tom Boardley

                            FIFTY years is a long time. If we are    changes in trade and technology are
                            impressed by developments since 1965,    likely to cause significant disruption in
                            the next 50 years could provide the      shipping.
                            opportunity for society and technology
                            to further transform our lives in ways        We need to be ready for disruption.
                            that we could never have imagined.       And we need to be surprised.

                                 Somebody transported from 1965           In the organisation I work for,
                            to today might be surprised to see       we are principally involved with
                            cars still on the roads but would be     technical side of shipping — with the
                            impressed that they don’t rust any more  development of technology and its
                            and that we are talking about ‘hands-    application.
                            free’ operation. However, they probably
                            couldn’t have anticipated the degree,         If we can say that the past 30
                            and low cost, of connectivity that       to 40 years have been pretty stable
                            everyone has with smartphones and        in terms of marine technology and
                            communications.                          practice as applied in shipping, then
                                                                     the next 30 to 40 years could be a time
                                 So I am cautious about suggesting   of huge change. Some trades or ship
                            what’s to come. But with trade           types could disappear. Huge leaps in
                            continuing to expand in the coming       technology have changed our lives
                            years and decades, projections suggest   elsewhere — we can expect significant
                            that global seaborne trade could         change to our shipping lives too.
                            double by 2030. If that trend continues
                            on to 2060, then in nearly 50 years we        Previously I have said that
                            will be looking at four times as much    shipping is ready for a technological
                            cargo carried on the seas.               revolution. And technical change is
                                                                     already happening — mainly, so far, to
                                 However, I think we should be       improve environmental performance,
                            sceptical whether such growth is either  particularly in the area of emissions.
                            sustainable or desirable; significant    The adoption of new fuel options, such
                                                                     as liquefied natural gas, technology

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