Page 64 - Next Generation 2015 - Digtial Issue
P. 64

Next Generation Asia

     Her achievement has even drawn          The career of ‘Captain Eclectic’ is proof that
attention from outside her company.            a quick rise through the ranks and broad
At the end of 2014, Ms Anand was
shortlisted as a rising star in litigation  maritime experience is the best launchpad for
at the Asia Women in Business Law                  a world-beating safety programme
                                            Hong Kong
     A qualified lawyer in Singapore and    Vikas Grewal
Hong Kong, Ms Anand has practised
in wide-ranging areas that include          IT was a family thing. Vikas Grewal    of practical experience. By 2003, he
charterparty disputes, carriage of goods    could have done anything, but felt     was sailing Fleet Management again
by sea and cargo claims, ship sale and      drawn to the sea.                      on a reefer, and earned his master’s
purchase disputes, asset recoveries and                                            certificate that year.
debt enforcement.                                Chennai-born Mr Grewal, head of
                                            the business division at Hong Kong-         An opportunity arose for Mr Grewal
     She also regularly writes on the       based Fleet Management, was an         to take over the planning function at
development of shipping law and             honors student in high school in both  CSAV. Not long afterwards, he found
presents her findings to owners, P&I        engineering and medical studies.       himself in charge of the planning and
clubs and other types of clients.                                                  operations department at Gurgaon
                                                 “My grades allowed me to pursue   in New Delhi. He was transferred to
     Ms Anand said she has always           medical studies and engineering,       Hong Kong in 2006, where he was put
taken great interest in maritime            as well as seafaring, but I chose the  in charge of organising operations for
transport due to her family background      latter,” Mr Grewal says.               CSAV’s alliances.
— though not in the sense of coming
from a shipping business family.                 Some of it had to do with his          The global financial crisis
                                            father, a well-known executive at      intervened in 2008, causing CSAV to
     “My father is a timber trader, so      Shipping Corp of India, who had a      pare back its affiliations with shipping
when I was young, I kept hearing chart      reputation as a mentor to younger,     alliances. Mr Grewal was reassigned
dispute terms from him,” she explains.      talented maritime workers.             to sales in North Asia for CSAV in a
                                                                                   depressed shipping market, and began
     A large part of her career                  The younger Mr Grewal,            to feel the rut.
advancements can be attributed her          however, was determined to make
willingness to take on challenges.          his own way. After a six-month stint        It was the first time during a swift
                                            studying mechanical engineering at     rise in the profession that he reflected
     After graduating from the National     university, a chance emerged to join   “if I wasn’t adding value, I might leave
University of Singapore with a law          Barber International, a Norwegian      the company or even the profession”.
degree, Ms Anand practised shipping         shipmanager and enroll in the cadet
law in the city state for more than three   programme. (Always the A-student, Mr        Following a chance meeting with
years, before moving to Hong Kong in        Grewal was selected as ‘best cadet’).  Kishore Rajvanchy, chief executive
2008, despite lower initial pay.                                                   of Fleet, he was offered a job as Mr
                                                 The early-1990s were tough on     Rajvanchy’s assistant. He has been at
     She admitted that was not a            the shipmanagement business, and       Fleet ever since, becoming head of the
standard career move. “But I wanted         Barbers lost a number of ships. Mr     business division last year.
to learn different jurisdictions… I enjoy   Grewal was released to look for an
continued challenges.”                      opening elsewhere.                          Eclectic in shipping in not a
                                                                                   bad thing; in fact, it’s a strength. Mr
     Aside from her daily job,                   Another six months passed and     Grewal has distinguished himself by
Ms Anand has founded Young                  he joined Univan as a cadet, staying   drawing on his wide experience and
Professionals in Shipping Network, a        at the shipmanager for two years on    organisational skills by creating a
Hong Kong-based social network for          containerships, and only returning     safety management programme at Fleet
shipping professionals with more than       home once. He left in 1996 for Fleet   that has yielded impressive results.
500 members.                                Management, where he served 10
                                            months on a bulk carrier.                   Since 2010, when Mr Grewal
     She has also been the vice-                                                   initiated the programme, Fleet’s
president of Women In Shipping and               Mr Grewal worked for several      record of lost time injury frequency
Trade Association since 2014.               other firms over the next seven        (LTIF) has been reduced by more than
                                            years, accumulating a wide range
     “I want to help females break the
glass ceiling in the shipping world,”
she said. “The association provides a
platform for women to discuss those
matters and we can support each other.”

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