Page 86 - Sanidhya 2024
P. 86


                                    “They say heroes never die; they live on in
                                       the hearts of those they leave behind”

               My father is my hero, a dedicated soldier who   people had gathered, as the CRPF
                                      exemplified bravery   men fired the three-volley salute.
                                      and selflessness,     During our most difficult times, the
                                      serving his country   CRPF stood by us, offering immense
                                      with unwavering       support and assistance. Their
                                      commitment. He is     acknowledgment of our loss served
                                      my idol, his bravery   as a big comfort, reminding that
                                      and sacrifice have    we were not alone in our grief and
                                      profoundly impacted   we had a strong community of    Ravikant Kumar Yadav,
                                      my identity. I feel a   soldiers who stood by us in our   S/O CT/GD Shaheed Uday Kr. Yadav
                                                                                                 201 CoBRA
                                      deep sense of pride   difficult times.
                                      in knowing that I am
                                      the son of a man who         As time passed, my mother decided to provide
                                      bravely laid down his   me and my brother with the best education. She strived
                                      life for the country.   to give us a better life even in those hard times.  My
                                                            maternal uncle too helped us. The CRPF played a
                                            My father       pivotal role in helping her throughout this journey
                                      wasn’t just a soldier,   from raising small kids to sending one child to an
                                      he was a beacon of    engineering college and another into medical college.
                                      strength and integrity.   CRPF helped me discover the right path and helped me
                                      He dedicated his life   to get into the MBBS Course in R.I.M.S. Ranchi. I wish I
        to serving the nation with the CRPF. He often shared   could also serve my country like my father.
        stories of his time in camps and his experiences in the
        201 CoBRA BN with our family members. Even now, my                       The indelible mark of my
        mom’s eyes fill with tears and pride while sharing             father and his heroism continues to shape
        memories about my father.                                       my life at every step. I will be embracing
                                                                         my father’s memory all my life and I
               I was too young when the news of his                      aspire to serve my nation with utmost
        martyrdom came. Too young to know what                           dedication and sincerity. I find solace in
        had happened. I just remembered people                           knowing that one day I can honour my
        around me crying with a heavy heart.                            father through my actions in the future
        The funeral scene is still fresh in my                           and enrich the life of those around me.
        memory where I was present with
        my grandfather. Hundreds of

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