Page 89 - Sanidhya 2024
P. 89
domestic issues independently and by not lingering the burden off their shoulders.
service personnel about petty domestic issues, families (vii) SEEK HELP
can share the household responsibilities thereby
decreasing the pressure. Regular programs and awareness campaigns are
conducted to destigmatize emotional, mental, and
(iv) EMOTIONAL SUPPORT physical well-being within force families and serving
Sometimes just listening to serving members’ concerns members. These programs educate us on how to
or experiences can make a huge difference. Their recognize distress among family members and serving
schedules might be unpredictable, so showing patience members and how family can contribute to the mental
and empathy is the key. Encouraging service members resilience of our loved ones in tough times. It is
to share both positive and challenging aspects of work important for the families to take care of themselves
so that there are no suppressed emotions lingering in at such times and encourage our serving members
their minds. to seek help without the fear of prejudice or career
Our Heroes often wear uniforms, proudly, displaying
When deployed far away, sending care packages filled
with hand-written notes, favourite food items, and their unmatched courage, resilience and dedication
other practical items can make them feel closer to to safeguard our freedom for all to see. While force
home. members are the backbone of our national defence,
they couldn’t succeed without the steadfast support
(vi) BE PROACTIVE of their families, which provide the emotional and
Family managing household responsibilities on their logistical foundation upon which our uniformed heroes
own can ease the burden of serving members, when stand. Let’s be their pillar of strength. Let’s be the
they are deployed or busy with work. Those shoulders unsung heroes of our great nation.
carry the weight of the nation’s safety, let’s take some