Page 49 - Passover Sedar
P. 49

Hebrew for Christians
                                                          Worthy is the Lamb

                   Shulchan Orekh – Eating the Passover                                             Step:  11

                                                                                                    Locate the
                                                                                                    eggs on the table.
                                                                                                    We begin our meal
                                                                                                    by eating eggs
                                                                                                    dipped in salt

                   Leader:  There is a minhag (custom) to eat a hard-boiled egg (beitzah) dipped in salt water
                   at the start of the Passover meal. Some say this is to remember the crossing of the Red Sea
                   to freedom, while others say that the egg represents the korban chagigah (festival
                   offering) that pilgrims were required to make during the time of Passover.

                   It is also customary to mention the ceremony of the priests as they slaughtered the lambs
                   in the courtyard of the Temple on erev Pesach. The blood of each lamb was caught in a
                   basin that was passed from one priest to another until it reached the last priest who poured
                   it out on the lower part of the altar. While this was happening, the Levites would sing
                   psalms of praise to God. Afterward, each lamb was skinned, its flesh was salted, and
                   certain parts were burned upon the altar. Finally, the remainder was given to the offerer
                   who took it home to be roasted whole over an open fire. Before the family would eat the
                   lamb with matzah and maror, all recited the following blessing:

           All Recite:

                          Barukh  attah  Adonai,  Eloheinu  melekh  ha’olam,
                  asher  kideshanu  be’mitzvotav  ve’tzivanu  al  achilat  pesach.

                                    Blessed are You, LORD our God, King of the universe,
                        Who sanctified us with his commandments, and commanded us to eat the Pesach.

                   During Temple times, the Pesach offering was lifted up for all gathered to see and the
                   question, “Why do we eat this Pesach offering?” was asked.  Everyone present would then
                   retell the story of the Exodus from Egypt and also partake of the matzah and maror.

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