Page 50 - Passover Sedar
P. 50
Hebrew for Christians Worthy is the Lamb
Tzafun – Eating the Afikoman Step: 12
Send the children
to find the lost
afikoman at this
Leader: I hope you have enjoyed your Passover meal, dear friends, but we must finish our
seder. Thank you to all who helped prepare this wonderful dinner we’ve enjoyed! However,
I can’t seem to find the Afikoman, and we must have it to finish the seder! Please, has
anyone seen the Afikoman? There is a reward for the one who can find it!
[After a child finds the Afikoman, a reward is given. The seder leader then unwraps the
matzah and breaks it into small pieces so that everyone present may partake of it. He then
solemnly asks, “The matzah that we break, is it not sharing in the body of Messiah”? ]
Tzafun means “hidden” and refers to the half of the matzah that was broken earlier and
hidden away (“buried”) during the Yachatz step of our Seder. Although the Afikoman was
implemented in later Messianic tradition (the Greek phrase means “he will come”), near
the end of the meal Yeshua took some matzah, broke it and gave it to His disciples:
Reader 1: Now as they were eating, Yeshua took matzah, and after blessing it broke it and
gave it to the disciples, and said, “Take, eat; this is my body.”– Matt. 26:26
We now prepare ourselves to eat some matzah that Yeshua identified with his sacrificial body
that was broken for us. Let us be silent for a moment.... “Hidden within the Afikoman is the
holiness of the Korban Pesach.” Please close your eyes and hold this matzah in your hands.
It is written that our Lord Yeshua, on the night when he was betrayed, took matzah, and when
He had given thanks, he broke it, and gave it to his disciples saying,
Please do not eat
the matzah at
this time...
“Hidden within the
zeh hu be’sari ha’natun ba’adkhem Afikoman is the
holiness of the
asu khen le’zikaron li korban peasch”
– Satmar Rebbe
This is my body that is given for you;
do this in memory of me...