Page 51 - Passover Sedar
P. 51

Hebrew for Christians
                                                          Worthy is the Lamb

                   The Bread of Life

                   Leader:  Our Lord Yeshua told us that He was the Bread of Life, the nourishment of our
                   life and its very sustenance:

                        anokhi  lechem  chayim  ha’yoreid  min  ha’shamayim

                    “I am the living bread that came down from heaven. If anyone eats of this bread, he will
                   live forever. And the bread that I will give for the life of the world is my flesh”  - John 6:51

                   This broken piece of matzah recalls the broken heart of Yeshua as he suffered and died as
                   our sin offering upon the altar of the cross. It remembers how our great King was mocked
                   and unjustly flogged; it evokes his agonizing cries as he hung dying on the cross: “Father
                   forgive them…” “I thirst...” “My God, my God – why have You forsaken me?” “It is
                   finished.” Yeshua our Wounded Healer, who bled out His life so we might live; who took
                   upon himself the plague of death so that we would be passed over. “For our sake God made
                   Yeshua to be sin who knew no sin, so that in Him we might become the righteousness of
                   God.” Yeshua gave up His body to be wounded, broken, and killed so that you could have
                   healing, wholeness and life with God forevermore. By His stripes you are healed!

                   Let us thank the LORD our God for the sacrifice of Yeshua’s body that was broken for us:

                                                                                                     After reciting
                                                                                                     the blessing,
                                                                                                     eat the piece of
                                                                                                     matzah that
                                                                                                     was broken for
              All Recite:

                                                                                                     Reader 1:
                                                                                                     The matzah
                                                                                                     was broken for
                                                                                                     you – you have
                                                                                                     a share in the
                                                                                                     offering God
                                                                                                     gave in His Son

                                                                                                     Reader 2:
                                                                                                     “For as often as
                          Barukh  attah  Adonai  Eloheinu  melekh  ha’olam                           you eat this
                                                                                                     bread... you
                                                                                                     proclaim the
                              ha’motzi  lechem  emet  min  ha’shamayim.                              LORD’s death
                                                                                                     till He comes”

                                    Blessed art Thou, LORD our God, King of the universe,            – 1 Cor. 11:26
                                         who brings forth the True Bread from Heaven.

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