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by her distress, he pressed her more and more. Her tears
           vaguely flattered him, and he kissed her with real passion.
              But a day or two later she made a real scene. There was
            a tennis-party at the vicarage, and two girls came, daugh-
           ters of a retired major in an Indian regiment who had lately
            settled in Blackstable. They were very pretty, one was Phil-
           ip’s  age  and  the  other  was  a  year  or  two  younger.  Being
           used  to  the  society  of  young  men  (they  were  full  of  sto-
           ries of hill-stations in India, and at that time the stories of
           Rudyard Kipling were in every hand) they began to chaff
           Philip gaily; and he, pleased with the novelty—the young
            ladies at Blackstable treated the Vicar’s nephew with a cer-
           tain seriousness—was gay and jolly. Some devil within him
           prompted him to start a violent flirtation with them both,
            and as he was the only young man there, they were quite
           willing to meet him half-way. It happened that they played
           tennis quite well and Philip was tired of pat-ball with Miss
           Wilkinson (she had only begun to play when she came to
           Blackstable), so when he arranged the sets after tea he sug-
            gested that Miss Wilkinson should play against the curate’s
           wife, with the curate as her partner; and he would play lat-
            er  with  the  new-comers.  He  sat  down  by  the  elder  Miss
           O’Connor and said to her in an undertone:
              ‘We’ll get the duffers out of the way first, and then we’ll
           have a jolly set afterwards.’
              Apparently Miss Wilkinson overheard him, for she threw
            down her racket, and, saying she had a headache, went away.
           It was plain to everyone that she was offended. Philip was
            annoyed that she should make the fact public. The set was

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