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to her than she to him. He was expected to show his sense
       of obligation in ways which were rather a nuisance: he had
       been a good deal used to solitude, and it was a necessity to
       him sometimes; but Miss Wilkinson looked upon it as an
       unkindness if he was not always at her beck and call. The
       Miss O’Connors asked them both to tea, and Philip would
       have liked to go, but Miss Wilkinson said she only had five
       days more and wanted him entirely to herself. It was flat-
       tering, but a bore. Miss Wilkinson told him stories of the
       exquisite  delicacy  of  Frenchmen  when  they  stood  in  the
       same relation to fair ladies as he to Miss Wilkinson. She
       praised their courtesy, their passion for self-sacrifice, their
       perfect tact. Miss Wilkinson seemed to want a great deal.
          Philip listened to her enumeration of the qualities which
       must be possessed by the perfect lover, and he could not
       help feeling a certain satisfaction that she lived in Berlin.
         ‘You will write to me, won’t you? Write to me every day.
       I  want  to  know  everything  you’re  doing.  You  must  keep
       nothing from me.’
         ‘I shall be awfully, busy’ he answered. ‘I’ll write as often
       as I can.’
          She flung her arms passionately round his neck. He was
       embarrassed  sometimes  by  the  demonstrations  of  her  af-
       fection. He would have preferred her to be more passive. It
       shocked him a little that she should give him so marked
       a lead: it did not tally altogether with his prepossessions
       about the modesty of the feminine temperament.
         At length the day came on which Miss Wilkinson was to
       go, and she came down to breakfast, pale and subdued, in
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