Page 246 - of-human-bondage-
P. 246

arranged without her, but presently Mrs. Carey called him.
         ‘Philip,  you’ve  hurt  Emily’s  feelings.  She’s  gone  to  her
       room and she’s crying.’
         ‘What about?’
         ‘Oh, something about a duffer’s set. Do go to her, and say
       you didn’t mean to be unkind, there’s a good boy.’
         ‘All right.’
          He knocked at Miss Wilkinson’s door, but receiving no
       answer went in. He found her lying face downwards on her
       bed, weeping. He touched her on the shoulder.
         ‘I say, what on earth’s the matter?’
         ‘Leave me alone. I never want to speak to you again.’
         ‘What have I done? I’m awfully sorry if I’ve hurt your
       feelings. I didn’t mean to. I say, do get up.’
         ‘Oh, I’m so unhappy. How could you be cruel to me? You
       know I hate that stupid game. I only play because I want to
       play with you.’
          She got up and walked towards the dressing-table, but
       after a quick look in the glass sank into a chair. She made
       her handkerchief into a ball and dabbed her eyes with it.
         ‘I’ve  given  you  the  greatest  thing  a  woman  can  give  a
       man—oh, what a fool I was—and you have no gratitude.
       You must be quite heartless. How could you be so cruel as
       to torment me by flirting with those vulgar girls. We’ve only
       got just over a week. Can’t you even give me that?’
          Philip stood over her rather sulkily. He thought her be-
       haviour childish. He was vexed with her for having shown
       her ill-temper before strangers.
         ‘But you know I don’t care twopence about either of the
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