Page 401 - of-human-bondage-
P. 401

cry of terror. it was horrible to think of all the suffering she
           must have endured.
              Philip knew that on the days Foinet came to the studio
           he lunched at a little restaurant in the Rue d’Odessa, and
           he hurried his own meal so that he could go and wait out-
            side till the painter came out. Philip walked up and down
           the crowded street and at last saw Monsieur Foinet walking,
           with bent head, towards him; Philip was very nervous, but
           he forced himself to go up to him.
              ‘Pardon, monsieur, I should like to speak to you for one
              Foinet gave him a rapid glance, recognised him, but did
           not smile a greeting.
              ‘Speak,’ he said.
              ‘I’ve been working here nearly two years now under you.
           I wanted to ask you to tell me frankly if you think it worth
           while for me to continue.’
              Philip’s voice was trembling a little. Foinet walked on
           without looking up. Philip, watching his face, saw no trace
            of expression upon it.
              ‘I don’t understand.’
              ‘I’m very poor. If I have no talent I would sooner do some-
           thing else.’
              ‘Don’t you know if you have talent?’
              ‘All my friends know they have talent, but I am aware
            some of them are mistaken.’
              Foinet’s bitter mouth outlined the shadow of a smile, and
           he asked:
              ‘Do you live near here?’

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