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last three months, and he had offered to go over to Eng-
land and see her; but she, fearing it would interfere with his
work, had refused. She did not want him to put himself to
inconvenience; she said she would wait till August and then
she hoped he would come and stay at the vicarage for two
or three weeks. If by any chance she grew worse she would
let him know, since she did not wish to die without seeing
him again. If his uncle wrote to him it must be because she
was too ill to hold a pen. Philip opened the letter. it ran as
My dear Philip,
I regret to inform you that your dear Aunt departed this
life early this morning. She died very suddenly, but quite
peacefully. The change for the worse was so rapid that we
had no time to send for you. She was fully prepared for the
end and entered into rest with the complete assurance of
a blessed resurrection and with resignation to the divine
will of our blessed Lord Jesus Christ. Your Aunt would have
liked you to be present at the funeral so I trust you will
come as soon as you can. There is naturally a great deal of
work thrown upon my shoulders and I am very much upset.
I trust that you will be able to do everything for me.
Your affectionate uncle,
William Carey.
0 Of Human Bondage