Page 658 - women-in-love
P. 658

‘I don’t know why you don’t—I’ve been good to you. You
         were in a FEARFUL state when you came to me.’
            Her heart was beating to suffocate her, yet she was strong
         and unrelenting.
            ‘When was I in a fearful state?’ he asked.
            ‘When you first came to me. I HAD to take pity on you.
         But it was never love.’
            It was that statement ‘It was never love,’ which sounded
         in his ears with madness.
            ‘Why must you repeat it so often, that there is no love?’
         he said in a voice strangled with rage.
            ‘Well you don’t THINK you love, do you?’ she asked.
            He was silent with cold passion of anger.
            ‘You don’t think you CAN love me, do you?’ she repeated
         almost with a sneer.
            ‘No,’ he said.
            ‘You know you never HAVE loved me, don’t you?’
            ‘I don’t know what you mean by the word ‘love,’ he re-
            ‘Yes, you do. You know all right that you have never loved
         me. Have you, do you think?’
            ‘No,’ he said, prompted by some barren spirit of truthful-
         ness and obstinacy.
            ‘And  you  never  WILL  love  me,’  she  said  finally,  ‘will
            There was a diabolic coldness in her, too much to bear.
            ‘No,’ he said.
            ‘Then,’ she replied, ‘what have you against me!’
            He  was  silent  in  cold,  frightened  rage  and  despair.  ‘If

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