Page 660 - women-in-love
P. 660

seemed to him he was degraded at the very quick, made of
         no account.
            ‘You mean you don’t want me?’ he said.
            ‘You are so insistent, and there is so little grace in you,
         so little fineness. You are so crude. You break me—you only
         waste me—it is horrible to me.’
            ‘Horrible to you?’ he repeated.
            ‘Yes. Don’t you think I might have a room to myself, now
         Ursula has gone? You can say you want a dressing room.’
            ‘You do as you like—you can leave altogether if you like,’
         he managed to articulate.
            ‘Yes, I know that,’ she replied. ‘So can you. You can leave
         me whenever you like—without notice even.’
            The  great  tides  of  darkness  were  swinging  across  his
         mind, he could hardly stand upright. A terrible weariness
         overcame him, he felt he must lie on the floor. Dropping
         off his clothes, he got into bed, and lay like a man suddenly
         overcome by drunkenness, the darkness lifting and plung-
         ing as if he were lying upon a black, giddy sea. He lay still
         in this strange, horrific reeling for some time, purely un-
            At length she slipped from her own bed and came over
         to him. He remained rigid, his back to her. He was all but
            She put her arms round his terrifying, insentient body,
         and laid her cheek against his hard shoulder.
            ‘Gerald,’ she whispered. ‘Gerald.’
            There was no change in him. She caught him against her.
         She pressed her breasts against his shoulders, she kissed his

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