Page 678 - women-in-love
P. 678

maggot, in worship of him. I want to know what you creep
            She stood over against the window, listening. Then she
         turned round.
            ‘Do you?’ she said, in her most easy, most cutting voice.
         ‘Do you want to know what it is in him? It’s because he has
         some understanding of a woman, because he is not stupid.
         That’s why it is.’
            A queer, sinister, animal-like smile came over Gerald’s
            ‘But what understanding is it?’ he said. ‘The understand-
         ing of a flea, a hopping flea with a proboscis. Why should
         you crawl abject before the understanding of a flea?’
            There passed through Gudrun’s mind Blake’s representa-
         tion of the soul of a flea. She wanted to fit it to Loerke. Blake
         was a clown too. But it was necessary to answer Gerald.
            ‘Don’t you think the understanding of a flea is more in-
         teresting than the understanding of a fool?’ she asked.
            ‘A fool!’ he repeated.
            ‘A fool, a conceited fool—a Dummkopf,’ she replied, add-
         ing the German word.
            ‘Do you call me a fool?’ he replied. ‘Well, wouldn’t I rath-
         er be the fool I am, than that flea downstairs?’
            She looked at him. A certain blunt, blind stupidity in
         him palled on her soul, limiting her.
            ‘You give yourself away by that last,’ she said.
            He sat and wondered.
            ‘I shall go away soon,’ he said.
            She turned on him.

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