Page 676 - women-in-love
P. 676

round  the  flame  of  some  invisible  declaration.  He  want-
         ed it, but was held back by some inevitable reluctance. She
         wanted it also, but she wanted to put it off, to put it off indef-
         initely, she still had some pity for Gerald, some connection
         with him. And the most fatal of all, she had the reminis-
         cent sentimental compassion for herself in connection with
         him. Because of what HAD been, she felt herself held to him
         by immortal, invisible threads-because of what HAD been,
         because of his coming to her that first night, into her own
         house, in his extremity, because—
            Gerald  was  gradually  overcome  with  a  revulsion  of
         loathing for Loerke. He did not take the man seriously, he
         despised him merely, except as he felt in Gudrun’s veins the
         influence of the little creature. It was this that drove Ger-
         ald wild, the feeling in Gudrun’s veins of Loerke’s presence,
         Loerke’s being, flowing dominant through her.
            ‘What makes you so smitten with that little vermin?’ he
         asked, really puzzled. For he, man-like, could not see any-
         thing  attractive  or  important  AT  ALL  in  Loerke.  Gerald
         expected to find some handsomeness or nobleness, to ac-
         count for a woman’s subjection. But he saw none here, only
         an insect-like repulsiveness.
            Gudrun flushed deeply. It was these attacks she would
         never forgive.
            ‘What do you mean?’ she replied. ‘My God, what a mercy
         I am NOT married to you!’
            Her  voice  of  flouting  and  contempt  scotched  him.  He
         was brought up short. But he recovered himself.
            ‘Tell me, only tell me,’ he reiterated in a dangerous nar-

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