Page 284 - nostromo-a-tale-of-the-seaboard
P. 284

‘Teresa wants to see you, Nostromo,’ she said. The Capa-
       taz did not move. Decoud, with his back to the table, began
       to button up his coat.
         ‘The silver, Mrs. Gould, the silver,’ he murmured in Eng-
       lish. ‘Don’t forget that the Esmeralda garrison have got a
       steamer. They may appear at any moment at the harbour
         ‘The doctor says there is no hope,’ Mrs. Gould spoke rap-
       idly, also in English. ‘I shall take you down to the wharf in
       my carriage and then come back to fetch away the girls.’ She
       changed swiftly into Spanish to address Nostromo. ‘Why
       are you wasting time? Old Giorgio’s wife wishes to see you.’
         ‘I  am  going  to  her,  senora,’  muttered  the  Capataz.  Dr.
       Monygham  now  showed  himself,  bringing  back  the  chil-
       dren. To Mrs. Gould’s inquiring glance he only shook his
       head and went outside at once, followed by Nostromo.
         The horse of the torch-bearer, motionless, hung his head
       low,  and  the  rider  had  dropped  the  reins  to  light  a  ciga-
       rette. The glare of the torch played on the front of the house
       crossed by the big black letters of its inscription in which
       only the word ITALIA was lighted fully. The patch of wa-
       vering glare reached as far as Mrs. Gould’s carriage waiting
       on  the  road,  with  the  yellow-faced,  portly  Ignacio  appar-
       ently dozing on the box. By his side Basilio, dark and skinny,
       held a Winchester carbine in front of him, with both hands,
       and peered fearfully into the darkness. Nostromo touched
       lightly the doctor’s shoulder.
         ‘Is she really dying, senor doctor?’
         ‘Yes,’ said the doctor, with a strange twitch of his scarred
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